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Callum's Pov: 

I woke up in the morning with Davina crushed into my arms as Jess and Ched came back from the hideaway. I then kissed Davina before heading to get ready then going outside to make Davina her coffee. Davina then walked out and I nearly dropped the cup of coffee I mean I was in shock she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had on an orange bikini with rhinestones and I couldn't help looking as she took the coffee from me and kissed me. 

We were still standing in the kitchen with my hand wrapped around her waist when we heard Siannise shout that she had a text then read it before gasping as she showed that her and Luke T's families were here as they met each other and we screamed for them before it turned into a massive group hug. 

After Luke T and Siannise's parents left Luke M and Demi's family then showed up which set off everyone again. I then heard another scream as Mike and Priscilla's family came after they left then Finn and Paige's parents came which sent off another scream. 

I then suddenly heard Davina gasp before screaming and I turned around to see her running towards her sister and mum as my parents also showed up. We all walked up to give them a hug before she took her family to the day beds and I took mine to the couch by the kitchen. My mother looked at me before saying "she's a good girl don't you dare let her go." 

I laughed at that before saying "I don't plan to she means absolutely everything to me and I adore her." 

I then heard Davina yell for me before we all joined her family and I met her sister who also threatened me which made me laugh. Then we all hugged good bye before Jess and Ched's family showed up including Jess's sister Eve. 


After all the families left we all got ready for the night. Davina walked out to join me in a blue skirt and a white crop top with sandals. 

We were all sitting together before hearing Priscilla's phone go off as we all headed to the fire pit before after she read it out loud

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We were all sitting together before hearing Priscilla's phone go off as we all headed to the fire pit before after she read it out loud. Davina was sat practically on My lap just nervous as shit when Luke M got a text "Islanders the public have been voting to save their favorite couple, the couple with the fewest votes will be dumped from the island tonight. please can you all stand up" 

We all sighed as we stood up before Siannise then got a text "the safe couples will be revealed in no particular order" 

Mike got the next text "the first couple safe is.... Callum and Davina" We smiled as I turned to Davina and kissed her before we sat down. 

Davina got the next text saying "the second couple safe is Paige and Finn" we all clapped as they sat down right next to us. 

Demi got the next text "the third couple safe is.... Jess and Ched" which made us all clap and smile for them. 

Paige got the text then "The fourth couple safe is Siannise and Luke T" which made us all smile at that 

Luke T then got the text "only one more couple is safe and going through to the final the other couple will be dumped immediately." 

Finn got the text "the final couple safe is Luke M and Demi" which made us all clap and smile before getting up and hugging Priscilla and Mike goodbye. 

Later after Mike and Priscilla had left we all headed to bed and I pulled Davina close to me before nearly kissing the life out of her. I then wrapped her closer to my body as I smiled at her before we both fell asleep excited to go to the final. 

Next Time: 

Final Time 

Who wins Love Island 2020?

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