Chapter 8

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(Joe P.O.V.)

I look at the hot chocolate & other warm things from outside the bakery window. I whimper as my stomach growled, giving me a sign that I was hungry. I didn't have any money on me, so I wasn't able to buy any of the warm deliciousness. ¨Are you hungry?¨someone from behind me spoke. I turn around to be met with a tallish blue cat, or better yet known as Mercie. ¨OH, Mercie! Ya, I wish I could buy some, But I don't have the money for it at the moment!¨ I say while rubbing the back of my neck.

Mercie smiled & nodded, then walked to the door pushing it open. They gesture towards the door for me to enter. ¨C-could I treat you to something?¨ they say as they stare at me. I shake my head ¨No, Im fine! Y-you really don't have to-¨ ¨I insist¨ Mercie interrupts. I sigh as I give in, walking through the open door. Once inside, I turn back to Mercie who was now inside with me. ¨Would you like me to order you something, & you can go find us a seat?¨ they ask. I shrug, & nodded. ¨Alright, fine by me¨ I reply. They smile & look towards the menu that hung from above the counter. ¨Anything special you want?¨ Mercie asks.

I put myself into a thinking stance, before deciding. ¨I'll just have a hot chocolate & an eclair¨ I say simply & turn to go find a seat for the two of us. I find a good table near the front window, & take a seat. I take off my little sailor moon themed backpack, & pull out my sketch book & mechanical pencil. I open the little book &  flipped through all my drawings. I stop on a blank page & put my pencil to my lips in a thinking manner. What should I draw? I think to myself. I was so focused on the blank page, that I didn't even notice Mercie sit at the table across from me.

(Mercie P.O.V.)

¨That's going to  be $8.55¨ The lady at the counter told me. I give it to her & go to sit down with Joey. I was honestly surprised that she agreed to have lunch with me. Infact, I wasn't even expecting to see her today. I was going on a walk, purely trying to get my mind off of my dart board that stupid ass Luther's face pinned all over it. I needed a break from seeing that fuckers repulsively perfect face. Instead of just going for a quick walk to blow off some smoke, I ran into Joey. She had a pouty face as she stared at the front window of the bakery.

& in all what seemed like an instant, I was sitting at a table across from my little Joey! How could anything go wrong? I stare at Joe from across the small table. She had her thinking face on, which was probably my absolute favorite face that she could make. It showed a side of her that you are rarely able to see from her, a mature yet curious face. I honestly wish I was her pencil at the moment. It was pressed up to her soft looking lips, that without a doubt were covered in vanilla lip gloss, which was her favorite(& don't ask how I know that).  

Joe's face suddenly sparks in excitement as she pulls the pencil away from her lips, & starts writing something in little notebook. I was curious, & really wanted to know what she was drawing. ¨Whatcha drawing?¨ I ask softly. She jumps a little, probably not knowing I was there. I did kinda sneak up on her, so I wasn't surprised that she jumped. Joe grumbled as her cheeks turned a little red, her signature embarrassed face. ¨Jesus, d-don't scare me like that!!¨ she said puffing up her cheeks. I chuckle & apologize.Once she was cooled off a bit, she showed me what was on the page.

There was a sketch of a person who looked to be looking out a window. The person didn't have any hair & wasn't wearing any clothes yet, but nonetheless, it still looked good though. I smile & look her in the eyes. Her cheeks had a slight pink to them, she's embarrassed. ¨It looks really nice Joey!¨ I complement. She let a silent giggle fall from her, & thanked me. ¨I've got an eclair & two hot chocolates with extra chocolate for. . . Mercie!¨ the lady at the counter said. ¨I'll go & get those, brb!¨ I exclaim while getting up.

I walk to the front counter & grab the items from the lady, & walked back to my seat. Joe saw the items in hand, & her tail started to wag slightly. CUTE!!! I set down her things & sat myself back down. We started to enjoy our drinks & food, when all of a sudden, I got the weird feeling of being watched. I looked up to the front window. You're joking, right? You have ABSOLUTELY GOT to be fucking kidding me! I Gale & her friend Jaidyn were in the window WATCHING us! Gale was making kissy faces at us, & Jaidyn was literally hunched over laughing so hard.

My face turned bright red with embarrassment & anger as I gave them an extremely angry face, but I could tell I was failing to scare them off, as it only looked like they were laughing harder. ¨You good?¨ I shoot my head down to look at Joe. ¨W-what?¨ ¨Your face is as red as- actually it's redder than a tomato. . .¨ I blink & quickly start to shake my head wave my hands. ¨NO- I Mean YES!!! Im 100% fine!!¨ I say trying to calm down. I look back over to those two dipshits who sat at the window, making more ridiculous gestures. My ears lower & I glare with a firley look at them. Joe raises a brow & turns to see what I see, but before she could even get a glimpse, they ducked down.

I facepalm in aggravation as Joe turns back to me, a confused face that said 'what', without even having to say a word. ¨Wait. . . you wouldn't happen to be in. . . heat. . . right?¨ joe asked quietly. My face flashed even redder at the question. ¨What?? No, I just. . . Really it's nothing, Im fine¨ I say glancing back over to the window, only to see those two nitwits giving me the closest thing a human face can look to lenny faces. I groan & plant my face into my hands. Me & my big mouth. . .

Hell-o lovelys!! I know its been a while since the last chapter, but school has been keeping me on my feet, & I haven't been 100% motivated to write much

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Hell-o lovelys!! I know its been a while since the last chapter, but school has been keeping me on my feet, & I haven't been 100% motivated to write much. . . I would love to thank all of you for getting over 300 reads!! Other than that, would you guys like if I made a oneshot book? If so, I wont be making it right away, & I will do requests! However, I want to know what kind you want, weather it being a 'FNaF Fronnie', 'Countryhumans', or even perhaps 'writer x reader'. Which ever one is most appealing to you guys!

With love, a Jobie who says that you may or may not be a very attractive person~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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