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So what is life ? You may wonder does my life matter in this world . Does my life bring benefits to the world . Does my life can make a difference in the world .The answer to this question is of course Yes ! Maybe your life does bring benefit to the world .

If you ever say that you life doesn't matter or you wanted to kill yourself . Please stop thinking about that . Remember never to give up your life . Stop being depressed , step up change your mindset . You are you . You cannot be me or you cannot be any one else . You can make a difference in the world . Try anything good or related to good . Try picking up some trash lying down .

Do not be hard to yourself . If you cannot do what other people can do , just accept it . It okay , people would not be mad at you . Remember and always remember , you are you . You can do anything else than that . Go do something and do not be lazy .

You are matter to this world .

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