Chapter Twenty Six

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C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - S I X

C H A P T E R - T W E N T Y - S I X

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upon his desk. A glass of scotch held loosely within his grasp, eyes scanning over Rosalinas sleeping form in his bed. Admiring the curves of her body, soft skin hidden underneath the sheets in a way that was almost torture.

His phone pressed firmly against his ear, practically jumping from his seat when Elena's voice pulled him back to reality. Eyes screwing shut as he tried to think of a proper response to her pressing request.

She had stayed over at Caroline's with bonnie, thanks to Rosalina and her love for the blondes well being. Now requesting that the man take her away from the town to destress. The Salvatore understanding her wants, yet wondering why she thought it appropriate to ask him. When they had clearly broken up, and he had moved on.

"Elena I don't think it would be a good idea for me to take you—" Rosalina shifted in the bed. Groaning as she shoved her face further into the pillow. She had been awake for at least thirty minutes, the ringing of Stefans phone jolting her from her slumber.

Yet she stayed put to draw out her relaxation. Only speeding from her spot, with sheet semi-wrapped around her form, to snatch the phone from Stefans hand. Almost growling into the speaker of the device for the Gilbert girl to shut her trap and text them where she wanted to go. Soon after hanging up on the woman.

Rosalina smiling innocently as she handed the device back to the brunette Salvatore. His eyes watching her with amusement and disbelief. He knew he should've been more reprimanding towards the rude behavior. Yet he couldn't help but find, even her nastiest attitudes, to be alarmingly admirable.

"You know she will never get over that, right?" He questioned. Setting the phone aside to pull her closer by the waist. Eyes trailing over her exposed skin to scan her various tattoos.

"Want to know something even more wonderful than that little old fact? I couldn't careless" she teased. Placing her hands on the tops of his shoulders to steady herself. Goosebumps rising as he ran his fingers over one of her biggest ink pieces.

"A werewolf?" He asked curiously. Tracing the outer edges of a full black wolf. It's eyes being the only aspect of which held color. A Yellow shade of ink filling in the detailed orbs.

"A Hybrid" She corrected. Eyeing the tattoo he had latched onto. A soft smile rising on her lips as she thought of her brother, her best friend. When they were human, she would've jumped at the chance to be by his side. It almost broke her heart to think about how distanced they had become.

She knew that if it ever came down to it, her loyalty would reside with her family. Niklaus's return would show the crew of mystic falls that she could defend another over them. She'd protect her brother, no matter how insufferable, from Stefan if she had to.

She even disagreed with some aspects of the plan Elijah had been concocting with Elena. Upset that he had completely disregarded her idea to subdue him and place him in a coffin rather than lead him to death.

Something herself and Elijah would have to speak about sooner or later. Preferably before Niklaus made himself known, therefore placing the two siblings into a mode of panic. Especially when Elena had her life dangling by a thread.

"A hybrid? Those exist?" Stefan questioned. Not believing that hybrid breeds could be walking around. Rosalina nodded slowly. Pulling the sheet higher up on her chest before moving away to lay back on the bed.

"All kinds— Vampire Witches, Werewolf Vampires— too many to name really. This one in particular though, a Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid. Deadly to Vampires and extremely rare. Only one of its kind and their dormant" she explained.

"You were close with them weren't you?" He asked. Assuming that a tattoo representing a species of which was dormant in one person and one person alone meant that the relationship had to of been incredibly sentimental.

"I was, I am— its complicated" she waved off the question. Scooting further up into the mess of blankets and pillows. Nuzzling into the warmth they provided to attempt and get back to bed. Wanting to avoid the conversation Stefan was now clearly interested in having.

"But we—"

"Stefan please, I assure you. I will tell you everything you need to know. For now, I want to sleep whilst I can. Elena will send us the address of where she'd like to go which means that for the next twenty four hours there is a chance our only company— will be someone I despise, someone who is undeniably in love with you still. So please—"

She pat the space besides her. Watching happily as he soaked up her words. Agreeing that he'd like to enjoy the few hours they had alone before their relaxation was plagued with the doppelgängers endless drama.

"Okay, no drama. No questions— just us" he whispered lowly. Moving to get on top of the bed. Crawling over her body slowly. Smiling at her red dusted cheeks.

"I like the sound of that"


Word Count: 904
( edited ✔️ )

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