Chapter 5

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Shinichiro's last image before passing out was (Y/n) jumping on her father trying to get the older man off him. He heard a grunt of pain and the girl yelped when her body hit the ground. Shuuji had run off, hopefully to hide and stay out of this, he heard the door before everything went black. He wished that he didn't skip those lessons, maybe he could have knocked the father out, and made sure that the Hanma siblings were safe.

When he woke up he was being pushed on a stretcher, he was with the ambulance. When did they arrive?? He immediately sat up ignoring the protests of the paramedics. (Y/n) was holding
Shuuji sitting on a stretcher, she was covered in bruises and blood. He hoped that it wasn't hers,he noticed her father being pushed into another ambulance followed by some police officers.

It seemed that she was busy answering questions that the officers and paramedics were asking her. Shuuji stayed quiet while clinging onto his sister, shaking his head when someone tried taking him from her.

"Could we ask you some questions?"
An officer asked, looking at Shinichiro in concern. The black haired boy nodded hesitantly "We need to know what happened" 

"I understand if it's hard to answer, but Mr Hanma was stabbed by his daughter, we need to confirm that she was protecting you and her brother"

"I remember her trying to pull him off me"
He explained how (F/n) had come home drunk and started a commotion, from accusing his daughter of sleeping with Shinichiro, to how Shuuji was the reason the mother died. Shinichiro blocked the father from hitting Shuuji, the man's anger turned towards the teen boy. Before Shinichiro could blink, the man was punching and kicking him.

He did his best to get the older man off him, even (Y/n) and Shuuji had tried to pull their father off. Shinichiro had managed to land a few hits on the older man but he was overpowered and pinned down.


News spread quickly about the Hanma family, the father's neglect and abuse towards his children. Doctors and psychiatrists had confirmed that the children had lived under their father's aggressive behaviour.

Some justified (Y/n) for stabbing her father, saying she was protecting the people around her from the man. She had years of abuse; it was only a matter of time for her to snap. 

Others sided and said she didn't have the right to stab him, he was her father. She should have told an adult, instead of staying quiet. 

Shinichiro felt bad because the authorities had decided to separate the siblings for the investigation. They were only allowed to see each other under supervision, while they were under temporary protection. 

Shinichiro tried to check in on (Y/n) whenever the family who's care she was placed in allowed him. They were a sweet elderly couple, who had raised and adopted a lot of children who dealt with trauma.  

(Y/n) seemed lost without her younger brother, Shinichiro had never seen her look so scared. He tried his best to comfort the girl, letting her cling onto him while she cried. She always had this smile whenever she was allowed to see her brother. 

While Shuuji seemed happy to be in a loving house, he hated being separated from his sister. He spent most of his time in his room, refusing to leave the little safe space. The family that he was placed under adored the young boy but understood his attachment towards his sister, she was the one who had protected him for all these years. 


The day of the court hearing both the children had to testify about what had happened. The business of the court began, the whole crowd stood when the judge entered the room, greeting the man who will be hearing the allegations of the Hanma case. The room remained quiet as the council gave their names for the record. 

The judge then proceeded to ask the girl a series of questions from the script document in front of him. 

"Full name?"

"Hanma (Y/n) " 


"14 " 

After she had answered all of the questions, the judge had called the council to him to 

The attorney who was defending the Hanma siblings was determined to drill the father, he stood in front of the man clearing. 

"You've been accused of the first degree felony offence of injury to a minors causing serious bodily harm"

"Investigator noted that the minors, 14 year old Hanma (Y/n) and Sano Shinichiro, had been transported to the hospital via ambulance. Doctor Hiro Amelia had noted that this wasn't the first time Hanma (Y/n) had been treated for such serious injuries, the girl showed up to her office multiple times through the years

Deputy officer Matsuoka Rin reported that he had arrived on the scene to find Hanma (F/n) beating Hanma (Y/n) and that others had to pull him off the girl. Fumio Kaede had reported after Hanma Shuuji ran over begging for help, the boy begged Fumio Kaede to help his sister. Officer Matsouka accompanied them to the hospital and spoke to a registered nurse who gave more information on the injuries of the complainants 

Those injuries include; Hanma (Y/n) had a dislocated shoulder, fractured ribs, bruising on the face and major swelling around the neck,  Sano Shinichiro had fractured ribs,  bruising to the chest and  broken nose. Hanma Shuuji bruising on the face, arms and legs. " 

(F/n) jumped from his seat pointing towards his daughter, accusing her of stabbing him with a knife. 

"Hanma (Y/n) had acted when you attacked Sano Shinichiro.”


"(F/n) is found guilty for child endangerment and neglect. Hanma (F/n) will be sentenced for 10 years. All parental rights have been removed." 

(Y/n) felt her world freeze when she heard that her father would be sent away. Her hands gripped onto the chair, they would finally be safe and away from their father.

"Hanma (Y/n) has been sentenced with assult in the act of self defense, she will sent to Juvenile Rehabilitation,where she will be housed for the next six months" 

The girl froze looking up, she expected to be sent longer.  But she would happy accept the 6 months. She looked over at her brother giving him a reassuring smile. 

"Be good okay Shu" 

Shuuji teared up, moving to jump up from his seat, Shinichiro moved to grab him. Pulling the boy to his chest, rubbing his back, comforting the young boy. "It's okay I've got you, we'll visit her okay?" 

“Take care of eachother while I’m gone, ‘Kay?”

“Okay, Nee-chan.”


"How are you adjusting (Y/n) ?" 

"It's hard, everyone keeps telling me that I need to let go and be a kid…"

It wasn't easy sitting down and relaxing when she had to make sure that there was food and that Shuuji was safe. She was always busy in the house, from making them meals,  to helping Shuuji with his homework. 

"It takes time to heal…-" 

"I miss Shuuji, when can I see him?" 

It was hard for her not seeing her brother,  it was always just the two of them against the world. She missed the stories he made up, how he would grin when he showed her his tests. 


"I'm sorry" 

The woman sighed, placing a hand on the girls head "you don't have to apologise, I know it's hard but you want to get better for him right?" 

The girl nodded determinedly

"I'll get better for Shu"

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