Chapter 6

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(Adj): having a brave heart

Chapter 6

Hanma x older sister reader x Black dragon

6 months later

Shuji glared at the plate in front of him,part of him knew that the couple were trying their best. But at the moment he didn't care, all he wanted was to see his sister and get one of her hugs. From what the lady that he was seeing weekly told him was that she needed a bit of a break, she needed help to get better. Their father really had hurt her, Shuji knew that she was hurt and he hope that she would get better.

"Do you wanna call you sister?"

The young boy nodded quickly looking up towards the female, she had always been sweet and caring. She often reminded him of his sister with how she acted. "I miss her" He whispered teary eyed, she moved to his side and started rubbing his back "let's make a deal huh?"

"If you eat all your foods, we can go visit her tomorrow?"


He immediately started eating the curry infront of him, he really couldn't wait to go visit his sister and tell her all about how nice these two were to him. He hoped that after his sister had gotten better that she would come stay here and that they all could be a big happy family.

(Y/n) rested her head on her palm, watching as Shinichiro approached her with his usual bright smile. She noticed a boy clinging onto his side trying to hide themselves, she giggled before looking at Shinichiro again. "Sorry I'm late! I had-"

"Is this Izana?"

The young boy stared at her surprised, hiding from her again behind Shinichiro again. Shinichiro laughed placing his hand on Izana's head looking down at him "This is (Y/n)"

The girl crouched down in front of Shinichiro with a small smile, holding her hand out to the platinum blond boy "Shin told me a lot about you Izana, he's a great brother isnt he?"

The boy nodded at her, still refusing to let go of Shinichiro, the black haired boy watched the girl and younger boy interact with a smile. He was happy that she was away from her old home. She smiled more lately and that's all he had ever wanted.

"Nii san talk about you a lot"

A blush spread across his cheeks and he moved to cover, (Y/n) started laughing watching how Shinichiro tried keeping Izana from talking. She quickly pulled the boy towards her with a grin as she looked up at Shinichiro.

"He talks about me?"

After spending most of her morning withShinichiro and Izana, she greeted both the boys with a smile. Promising the young boy that he could come see her whenever he wanted. When she returned to the centre she was greeted by her teary eyed brother.

"I thought you left!"

The girl blinked down confused, staring at Shuji as he clung onto her. He lifted his head and she couldn't help but giggle at him. She placed her hand on his head comfortingly. Shuji didn't mind her giggling, all he cared about was that she was here. He didn't want her to disappear from his life, it was already hard enough living without her.

"I would never leave you behind Shu"

"You promise right "

"Of course! Now tell me, are you being a good boy ?"

She grinned watching him smile up at her as he started telling her about the foster family, how he loved home cooked meals and getting tucked in. She nodded and listened to him, she felt her heart ache as she watched him. He looks really happy, he deserved it. He finally had a family that adored him.

Even if she wouldn't be able to be by his side, he deserved to be happy. She hoped that he would find a family that would adopt him, she knew that the chances of her being adopted with her brother were pretty low.

"Thank you Kagami san"

The girl bowed to the couple thanking them once again for caring for her brother, they just smiled at the girl reassuring her that it wasn't a problem. They adored the boy even if he kept them on their toes.

" You need to focus on getting better, we would love for you join him"

Her eyes widened at the woman's words, the male nodded at his wife's words moving to pet the girl's head. Out of instinct the girl moved back closing her eyes, before looking at the couple "sorry i"

"Oh sweetie"

She lets out a laugh, tearing up as the woman pulls the girl into a hug, rubbing the back. ( Y/n) clung onto her accepting the affection. When was the last time she had felt this kind of motherly love???

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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