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"Kureijīhāto! You guys are on in ten! Be ready!" Sugawara shouted from backstage. "Okay!" Said band shouted back, readying their equipment.

"Hey n/n, I heard he's going to be here," Yachi softly said, earning a side glance from said girl. "Sorry, I just thought you'd want to know," Yachi whispered, thinking she upset y/n.

A sigh came out of the h/c haired girl, she gave the blonde a small smile, "I'm not upset Hi-Chan," she paused, placing a hand on the smaller girls shoulder, "actually I-"

"Y/n-Chan!! We're almost next! I'm so nervous!" Hinata exclaimed, interrupting the girl, "Aren't you nervous??" He asked, taking y/n's hands in him.

"Boke Hinata boke!" Kageyama scolded, smacking the orange haired boy on the head, "of course she isn't nervous! She's y/n!"

You sighed, placing a Hand on both of their shoulders, "Kageyama don't be so mean," she playfully scolded, earning a tsk from him.

"But he's got a point," Yamaguchi said, joining the conversation, "We've almost never seen you nervous before a show!"

"Almost is not a never," Tsukishima pointed out, twirling his drumsticks in boredom. "Tsuki's right!" You added, "I do get nervous sometimes but I just don't like showing it!" You gave your band mates a big smile and a thumbs up. They, excluding the salty one, beamed at you in amazement, "You're so cool!" Hinata exclaimed, jumping around you.

"I know, I know!" You boasted, earning a snicker from Tsukishima.
"So anyway, what were you going to say n/n?" Yachi asked, earning a confused glance from the others. "What's she talking about?" Yamaguchi asked, fixing his guitar strap.

"Is this about him?" Kageyama asked, trying to understand what they were talking about.
You sheepishly smiled, rubbing your neck, "haha yeah, seems like he came to see us," you paused, a smirk coming to your lips as your eyes held a mischievous look, "Lets blow their minds with our music tonight!"

"For once I actually agree with you," Tsukishima said, amusement in his voice.
"Yeah! Let's show that door what's he's missing !" Hinata and Yamaguchi exclaimed as Yachi and Kageyama flashed you confident smiles.

You honestly had no idea what you did to deserve such amazing band mates but you were grateful for them.

"Kureijīhāto! You're on!" Sugawara called, waiting for your band.

"Let's give them hell!" You shouted, earning cheers from your band mates.

"Good luck!" Sugawara shouted as you guys ran out onto the stage. "Don't worry, we won't need it!" You shouted before coming fully onto the stage. The lights shown on you guys as you took your positions.

The crowd roared upon seeing you guys, the already bright lights seemed to shine even brighter. The crisp night air blew past you, calming your nerves.
Even through the blinding lights and crowds of people, you still managed to spot him, as if he were a magnet and your eyes were the metal.
He was still as breathtaking as ever, though there wasn't much change, he did look more mature yet there was still something childish about him. He seemed to notice and locked eyes with you, brown eyes staring into e/c. He pouted a bit, breaking eye contact for a second. You gave a smirk, boy were you going to show him.

"One! Two! Three!" You shouted as the crowd roared. The drums and guitar playing of your band mates filled your ears. You turned to Yachi, giving her a firm nod which she returned. Taking a deep breathe, you began, smirk never leaving.

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