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You hid under the sheets of your bed and curled yourself like a little ball. Tears were staining your cheeks and your breath short.

It was unbelievable.

The only person who really loved you in your whole life turned out to be as despicable as the others.

"Y/n? Honey, what's wrong?"

You heard Regina calling for you, but you couldn't actually hear her. Your head felt heavy, like it was full of sand.

You didn't feel well.

Before you could stand up and run to the bathroom, your stomach twisted and you threw up on the floor.

In that moment Regina entered in the room and locked at you with big worried eyes.

"Oh baby, wait a second" she said and walked into the bathroom. She handed you a towel and told you to clean your hands and chin with it, so you obliged.

You took a shower as Regina cleaned up your vomit from the floor.

She must be so tired of me you thought while fresh tears started to roll.

You felt bad for her.

She just wanted a child to raise and she got me...

You got out of the shower and Regina was sat on the toilet, waiting for you.

"Hey, do you feel better?" she asked you while coming closer to you to help you.

You wanted to shove her away, reject her, tell her to go to hell, but you couldn't.

She wasn't the nicest person of the planet, that was a fact, but she's never done anything to you; everything she did was for you and because she loved you.

And now, the woman who everyone called a monster was standing in front of you, eyes wet with unshed tears and arms streched ready to catch you if you were going to fall.

You eyed her for a couple of seconds, unsure of what to do. A part of you wanted to run away from her, but the other wanted - needed - her. Despite all the things that Emma has told you, Regina was the only person you had.

"I love you Regina" you said as you buried your face in her breasts. She cradled your head and left a kiss on the top of it. "I love you too y/n". You stood there in her arms, letting Regina's hands caress your hair.

"Will you dry my hair mommy?" you asked as you lifted your gaze to look at her and caressed your cheek. "Of course baby" she responded and helped you to sit on the counter.

She brushed your wet hair a little and then began to dry it. As she was doing so you started to play with a golden chain that Regina had around her neck. "Do you like it baby?" she asked you as she noticed your interest in her necklace. "Mm mm, pwetty" you replied, slipping fast into little space.

After drying your hair, Regina helped you getting dressed and then you both went downstairs.

"Duckling, wht don't you draw mommy a picture while she prepares dinner?" she asked you as she handed you a sheet of paper.

"'M kay" you responded and picked a green crayon. You started to draw some doodles which vaguely looked like you and Regina and before you realized 30 minutes have passed and it was time to eat.

"Aww this is so cute! I'm gonna hang it on the fridge baby!" Regina said after kissing your head.

"Das me and das mama" you said while pointing to the figure with dark hair.

"Yeah, but where are we? This isn't Storybrooke" Regina asked you and your cheeks reddened a little.

"Das the first time we met, we're in Boston"

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