Wake up and get out

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I woke up to a beeping noise. I tried to move but I couldn't.  I tried to scream and nothing came out. I opened my eyes to see Sam, Lanie, Mallory, Regan, Mack and the Jacks standing over me. I tried to speak but again nothing. I heard them talking faintly, only catching bits and pieces.

Regan: "I can't believe you drove her to this point, Jack. Again."

Mack: "Reg. Calm down, it was her choice too." 

Lanie: "My poor poor best friend. We trusted you."

Johnson: "Sam, you should've stayed."

Gilisnky: "I love her"

Sam: "Who Madison" 

Mallory: "Sam, not the time." 

Regan: "When is the time. It's been two weeks and she isn't awake." 

At that moment I felt a sudden burst of courage and I opened my eyes. "Guys" I croaked out. 

All eyes turned on me. Lanie came right over. "Baby girl, what do you need. Who do you want to be here right now." I looked around. 

"Jack...I want Jack" Johnson instantly walked over, thinking I was talking about him, because of what Gilinsky did. "No, I want Finney." 

Everyone looked shocked. I just looked down ashamed of my request. "Please guys. Just give us five minutes." 

Everyone filled out. 

"Ems.." He started but I cut him off. 

"No you're going to listen to me. You're going to walk out those doors. You're going to smile. You're going to get in your car and pack your things and you're going to go back to California. I never want to see you again." I sighed. 

"Emily Ple-" 

"No Jack, leave now." 

Heavy (j.g. & Emily Glazer)Where stories live. Discover now