are you a cancer cell? because you grow more and more in my heart everyday.

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A/N: I'm here to advocate for SooQi supremacy. (And no, I don't care how little their crumbs are.) This is my account, I'll write for whatever pairing I want.

**DISCLAIMER: I'm not a med student nor a physician. Everything here is purely based on Google searches and my understanding of the source materials, as well as the forums I've read on Quora. Although I've tried to make this as realistic and authentic as possible, there's likely going to be a lot of medical inaccuracies in the story. So, don't take it too seriously.


Another day, another migraine.

"You're needed in exam room four."

With a barely-contained sigh on the edge of her lips, Soojin takes the file from the nurse and drags her weary feet down the sterile corridors to her next patient.

She's been on clinic duty for the past three hours on end, and it feels like her head is positively on fire. Perhaps on the brink of exploding even, which is a (miserably) common occurrence thanks to the workfield she's in. Not because there were any complications nor challenging cases that needed her full-scale attention and expertise, nothing of that sort.


No, it was because of the patients that were swarming around like an army of ants to leftover scraps. The walk-in clinic of the teaching hospital she works at doesn't have a preliminary round for the people who came in to see her.

Now, Soojin is a licensed doctor. She knows not to complain when they come in to seek help and medications or get consulted for their health. After all, it is her job to give it to them—but some of them were making it so frustratingly difficult.

Pushing the door of the exam room open, her eyes immediately fall upon the new patient sitting on the edge of the examination bed. It appears to be a middle-aged man, probably in his early 40s, with a fairly robust build and thick eyebrows that are pulled together into a prominent frown.

Soojin sucks in a deep breath before she forces on her mask. A professional smile with the pearly-whites out and showing.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Doctor Seo, and you must be..." She gives the file a cursory skim. "... Mr. Kang. Yes?"

The man nods while mumbling some sort of greeting back, and Soojin vaguely notices his odd behavior. Like how he isn't quite meeting her eyes, and how that prominent frown has a hint of panic lacing it.

"So, what brings you here, Mr. Kang?"

"I, err... I have—" Soojin blinks as her patience starts to dwindle when his voice drifts off. "Christ, do I really have to say this out loud again? I just told the nurse everything a few minutes ago."

the doctor will see you now [SOOQI] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now