from the aorta to the apex, i love you with my whole heart.

206 11 6


A/N: My favorite BelaDonna fic got deleted off AO3, and now I'm emo. o)--(


The days that followed were passing by at a snail's pace. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.

The cycle remains the same as always. Patients come and go, cases are piling up, treatments are being underway, and work is constantly draining her. Soojin has just finished yet another dreadful morning of clinic duty when she checks out and ventures to the 3rd floor, where her office is.

Before she can even get into the elevator, though, a rather tall female doctor with long dark hair gathered into a loose ponytail and a little child nestled in her arms stopped in front of her.

Doctor Shin Yuna. A fellow in pediatrics and mentored by Miyeon. She's popular with the rest of the medical staff for her doll-faced visuals and optimistic, sunshine personality that can light up a whole room. Also, an ongoing joke among the staff—Yuna and Lia are the princesses in the hospital. Flawless, sweet, smart, caring, and always kind.

"Soojin-unnie!" Yuna says breathlessly, her expression urgent. "Can you please hold the little guy for a minute? Miyeon-unnie asked me to go upstairs immediately, and I was just about to get him an x-ray."

Soojin tilts her head. "You want me to take him to get an x-ray?" She asked confusedly.

"No, no." Yuna shook her head while handing the baby over to the oncologist. Whatever protest Soojin had on her tongue dies out as soon as she's cradling the bundled bean of a tiny human. "Just stay here for a minute and keep watch of him, please. I promise I'll be right back!"

"Wait, Yuna—" Soojin could only sigh when the young girl spins around and hurries into the elevator that she was supposed to take. "Great..."

Now she's stuck in the clinic again. And to put icing on this already shitty cake, she's stuck with a baby. With nothing else to do and nowhere to really go, Soojin looks down to examine the boy. His big eyes stare curiously back at her.

Soojin makes a noise of discontentment and shifts on her legs, bored and tired out of her mind. Another glance at the baby shows that his lips are pulling back into a grimace, and her eyes narrow a bit.


Too late. The baby starts to break into a sob. A curt cry. Definitely not what Soojin needs right now.

The last thing she wants is to be in the clinic any longer than she should, with a baby. Let alone, a wailing baby. Goddammit, Yuna.

Soojin decides to just focus on silently rocking the baby in hopes that it'll stop him from crying and nearly protests when a pudgy hand wraps around her stethoscope. But if it would keep the little guy quiet and prevent him from throwing a tantrum, then so be it.

the doctor will see you now [SOOQI] | ✓Where stories live. Discover now