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Yeah that prologue back there went through literally 10 drafts but I finally got it the way I wanted.

Unlike the first book, these chapters will have names. I don't know why I decided to do that. I guess I just like naming the chapters.

And I know what y'all are thinking.

But, wait! Mitch was shattered! He should be dead. And he's using contractions?!

Yes, Mitch was shattered in the first book. Yes, he should be dead. And yes, he is using contractions.

Patience my little hinatas, all will be revealed soon enough.

So now, without further ado, the first chapter of Beyond the Glass!


They finally let me out of the hospital two days later.

As soon as I stepped out, arms were wrapped around my neck.

"Oh, Scott!" I gasped, hugging him back.

"Are you okay? You really worried me. I heard you screaming and you were out cold when I found you. I thought I had lost you just like I lost Alex."

"Scott, I'm fine." I laughed, breaking free of his hug.

Scott nods. "I'm glad you are. Feeling better?"

"Oh yeah, lots. Hey, can we go to Starbuck's? I haven't had any since I blacked out and I'm going through withdrawal."

Scott laughs, shaking his head. "Sure,"


"So what did the doctor say?" Scott asks as he sits down with a latte in his hand.

"The usual. 'Be careful, drink lots of water, watch your blood sugar.'" I replied, imitating Dr. Taber.

Scott smiles a little. "Do you know how it happened?"

"You know how I told you that glass seems to call to me? Well--Sleeping Beauty tease--I touched my mirror, then I was hit with these waves of pain and I blacked out it was so bad."

"Aren't those windows glass?" Scott asks, jabbing his thumb in the windows' general direction.

"Yeah, but I'm too far away. I don't know how to explain it." I replied dismissively and taking a sip of my iced coffee. "Where are the others?"

Scott swallows, then answers. "Kevin's at church, and Avi and Esther are out visiting family. I've texted everyone saying you're okay. Hopefully Kevin's Beyoncé ringtone didn't interrupt the sermon."

I chuckle. "Are you not going to do anything for the day off? We never get a break anymore." I added, downing the rest of my coffee.

"Just one of the many struggles of being famous." Scott replies.

"Really though," I said as I stood to throw away my cup.

When I sat back down Scott was looking at his phone, sucking in a breath.

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"'Halo' interrupted the sermon Kevin was in." Scott replies gravely.

I sputtered, then threw back my head and laughed.

"But Kevin's happy you're okay." Scott adds, smiling.

"D'awww," I coo. "Tell him I said 'thank you.'"

Scott nods and texts Kevin back. "I also told him he should put his phone on silent."

I nodded. "Good idea."

"Should we head back home?" Scott asks. "Wyatt's missed his mommy."

I nodded. "I bet he has. Mommy's missed him, too."

"Let's go." Scott says, getting the car keys from his pocket.


When I opened the door, I could hear Wyatt's footsteps--or is it pawsteps?--as he rushes towards me.

"Wyaaaaaatt!" I sang, picking him up. I scratched the top of his head and heard him purr.

I sat down on the couch and sighed as it sunk with my weight. Man, I missed this couch.

I lean my head back, shut my eyes and petted Wyatt.

"Hey, I'm making lasagna for dinner. Is that all right?"

I open my eyes and see Scott in the kitchen grabbing a box from the freezer. "Yeah, sounds great. I just need some food. If you gave me a serving of Wyatt's feces I'd eat it."

"Yeah, how about no. I don't know the nutritional value of cat feces."

I shrug. "It might surprise you."

"Oh yeah? Do you know what vitamins and minerals are in Wyatt's bodily excretions?"

"Can we change the subject?"


"So how was life without me?" The question sounded narcissistic, but I was legitimately curious as to what Scott was doing while I was nearly comatose.

"Boring. I did some writing, but that was about it. Man, I was worried sick about you."

"You fed Wyatt, right?"

"Of course I did. I was a responsible parent. Right, Wyatt?"

Wyatt opens his eyes and gives him "the look," then shuts his eyes again.

Scott's mouth hung open in shock. "Wyatt Blue Grassi-Hoying..." He was trying to be mad, but there was laughter in his voice as he called Wyatt by his full name.

Wyatt crawled onto my lap, his tail curled up. "D'aww, baby," I coo, still petting him. "Admit it, Scott, he doesn't love you. He loves his momma!"

Scott folds his arms and stares at us enviously. "He loves his Daddy, too, whether he says it or not."

"Keep telling yourself that, Richard." I replied after a deep sigh.

"I'm gonna make dinner now." Scott announces, putting the lasagna in the oven. "For me and Mommy, of course. Cats don't eat lasagna."

"Garfield, Scott, Garfield."

"He's a cartoon character he doesn't count." Scott shoots back. "No lasagna for Wyatt. No, no, no. Just some Meow Mix for little old Wyatt."

I roll my eyes.

"And I love him. I love that little pansexual cat. If he could eat lasagna, I would give it to him in a heartbeat. But he's a cat. A little pansexual cat who can't eat lasagna and is stuck eating Meow Mix..."

"Get over it, Scott."


I sigh deeply as Scott stood there seething, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Now I kinda wish I was comatose right now..." I muttered.

"No you don't." Scott protests, Wyatt meowing at the same time.

I looked down at Wyatt, then at Scott.

"That was freaky." I said.


Wyatt stretches, then places his paw where my heart is.

"What is this?" I asked. "Are you giving me your blessing or something?"

Scott bursts into laughter.

"This is one heck of a homecoming."


Y'all deserved a nice, relaxed chapter after all that insane stuff in the last few chapters of the first book.

So tell me what you thought about this chapter down in the comments and don't forget to click the lil star if you REALLY loved it.

And the reason why I updated a bajillion times last week was bc of my being spring break. Unfortunately, I go back to school again tomorrow so I won't have as much time to update. *crying emoji*

Love y'all, though! ^•^

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