Dolores comes again

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We were awoken by the cats; I could smell Dolores; Mia's grandma told me in my mind not to move and to make sure Mia did not move.

I know he cannot smell us because Mia's grandma hid our scent. But if we make any noise, he will hear us.

He must think that we are gone; that is what I am hoping he thinks.

I got right in Mia's ear and whispered to her not to move and be very quiet.

She looked at me; I told her that the cats were growling because of Dolores.

Mia was scared; I held her tighter.

One of the cats made the most noise; we all were quiet until Dolores's smell disappeared.

I tried to talk to Mia's grandma with my mind, she heard me. I told her that I thought he was gone, that I could not smell him anymore.

She said she could not read his mind, so he must be gone.

I told Mia that it was safe now, that Dolores was gone.

I know she is still scared but, she trusts me, and she got up with me.

We all got up and slowly met in the living room; Mia held my arm for dear life.

James is trying to be the protector of Mia's grandma; I slowly made my way to all the windows and looked out.

My wolf and I did not see him, nor did we smell him; Mia's grandma is holding Mia and asks James and me if we could make a pot of tea.

James and I went out to the kitchen; I asked if anyone was hungry.

Mia was the only one; I made her eggs and toast.

James was making the tea while I was cooking; after everything was done, James and I brought everything to the living room.

Mia asked if I could get her a can of sardines; I did not ask why.

Sometimes I want to ask, but I never do; I went back into the kitchen and got them out of the cupboard.

I opened it over the sink and drained it; I brought it to the living room.

I handed it to her, Mia put some on her toast.

Lately, I cannot watch her eat; she has been eating a lot of gross stuff.

The cats went to Mia; Mia gave them some of her sardines.

James is trying to drink his tea; he looks very grossed out; I think James and I have the same face.

Mia's grandma looked fine with it; after Mia was done eating, I took her plate and cleaned up.

I threw the empty can away and went back to the living room; Mia's grandma said that Dolores would go to other packs to have them fight with him to get Mia.

Mia is scared; I told Mia she has nothing to worry about, that we have people who are going to help us against Dolores.

Mia's grandma told Mia that she would put a protection spell on all of us when the time came.

That made her feel better; I told Mia that all this worrying was not good for the baby.

Mia's grandma said that Dolores will come back tomorrow, I told them that we have the doctor's appointment, so hopefully, he will go then.

I changed the subject to the doctor's visit; I reminded Mia that we get to see the baby.

That made her excited about going to the doctor; Mia's grandma and James said they were coming too.

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