Mia's Candy

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Cleo? As in the black witch that summoned demons to kill her enemies. That Cleo? Both Mia and her grandma said, "yes."

I think I am going to pass out. James came bursting through the door.

James looked at me; he asked what was wrong?

I asked him if he knew who Mia's grandma was? James said, "yes."

James told me that Mia's grandma told him two nights ago that she is the one and only Cleo.

I hate him right now. Here I was worrying about Mia and her grandma when I did not need to.

I picked Mia up off of my lap and put her on the chair.

I told her that I needed a minute. Mia looked scared. I told Mia that I would be in the bedroom if she needed me.

I went into the bedroom and shut the door. Then, I went to the bed and sat down.

No wonder Mia was scared to tell me her grandma's name and who her grandma was.

Many people want Cleo's powers, but they do not understand that she has to give it up. No one can take her powers.

Mia came into the bedroom; she came up to me and asked if I would leave her because of who her grandma was?

I gently grabbed her and pulled her onto my lap.

I told her no. I told her that I understood why she did not want to tell me.

Mia said that her grandma has been laying low for a few years now.

I can understand that if people find out where Cleo is, they will hunt her down and try to kill her.

I took Mia's face in my hands and made her look me in the eyes. I told her that nothing had changed between us.

I still love her. I told Mia that this was all just a shock to me. I held my mate and assured her that I am not going anywhere.

James knocked on the door; he called out, saying if we are done "doing it," he wants to talk about what he found out.

I opened the door and grabbed James by his neck.

Cleo, I guess I should start calling her by her name.

At least when we are home, she told us to stop roughhousing.

Cleo told us to come and eat lunch. It is a late lunch.

We all sat down at the table. I had to ask what it was because I did not recognize what it was supposed to be. Cleo said that it is a blended-up vegetable soup with fish. What the heck? That sounds nasty.

Mia likes it; Cleo gave James liver in its own blood. Although, to be honest, I would rather eat what James is eating. So I just picked up my bowl and chugged it.

You know how a skunk smells like; that is how this soup tastes like.

After almost vomiting six times, James finally told us what he found out when he was at Dolores's packhouse.

James began to tell us that Dolores is going to be here on Monday.

I asked James if he knew what time they would be coming?

James said he did not hear a time.

But James thinks they will come at night.

Ok, that gives us a week. I excused myself from the table.

I told Mia, Cleo, and James that I was going to call the old man.

I went to the living room and called the old man when he answered. I told him who was calling him. I told him to be here Monday night.

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