Smith the brute, tried ramming me many a time, yet to no avail he kept trying one after another.
More reinforcements dropped from the ceiling making every tammer reach for their weapons. My father fighting Washington, and my mother a female gargoyle with titanium talons. Hoping to help my parents, I once again arched my arm for and arrow, but instead was met by Smith's axe cutting my bowstring making the limbs collapse.How was I supposed to fight with out my bow. Furious I grabbed two broad headed arrows from my quiver and started swiping at Smith. Smith was fast but not fast enough. Arrows in hand, I sought for a weak spot but failed in doing so. That was my first mistake. Smith now having the advantage kicked me so hard it knocked the wind out of me. The force of the kick landed me down the basement hallway, right next to the weapons room.
I ran into the weapons room, searching for another bow, but the only weapons I could find were guns, swords, and crossbows. A crossbow. Could it work? Possibly, with that much force it could shatter his wings or if I were lucky, kill him. The thuds of Smith's combat boots came nearer and nearer until Smith, in his stony form came forth brandishing one of Shianne's short swords.
Scared for my life I reach for the crossbow and a quiver full of bolts. The crossbow was beautiful, limed with Latin cursive. It also had a set of recurve limbs pulled to the side of the gun ready to spring forward. On the right side of the bow was a silver colored button. Brandishing hatred on my face I pushed the silver button, and the recurve limbs, once folded to the side, now sprang forward with the string already drawn back ready for a bolt to be placed.
I reached back, found a bolt, placed it in the stock of the bow, raised the sight, aimed the bolt true, and lurched the trigger back letting the arrow fly straight towards Smith's chest.
Unable to see if it landed on it's mark, I was distracted by a loud explosion from upstairs, and fell to the ground clutching the left side of my head before seeing pitch black.
Sorry fo the short chapter, just wasn't feeling good. Oh and one more thing, in the next chapter Shianne is dreaming about her ancestor red riding hood in 1886 (didn't want anyone to get confused)