"We shall never Meet Each Other
We shall never. NEVER!
Of that I'm sure, My Dear Ms. My Dear Ms""Well, what about Thou tis' Evening gathering with DANDIES ?
"With Honourable DANDIES We're altogether as One""So in their Case
Thou're sort of Ready for some kind of Unconditional Consensus and in the Twinkling of Thyne Eye
but when it comes To My Purse
Thou're Thornfully unapologetic as I suppose"
"It's such a Bitter Word as NEVER
It's such a Bitter Word as NEVER
Steep is that Barrier!
Seed of Discontent concerning Our Bond"
"Yet haven't Thou already
Opened one Gate in Opposite....""In different..."
"In different Direction. OKay.
And if it serves Thy Soul
to Leave the Things as They Were and as They Art
Why do Thou sharpen........................................the Grudge further & Further?
By constantly reminding of Absolute Impossibility
to Face Each Other Whims"
"Unbeknownst to Destiny of Our Life-Term Ventures
The Matter
[* I know, Nice Tactics ]
The Matter complicates Itself due to Additional Factor -
And Life quite often compells to Firmly Grasp Prevailing Choice "
"Excuse my Agitation,
Oh Honourable Sire!
Don't count it as one Insult
Back to Our Subject of NEVER - NEVER
It could be and Far more Perplex'd.
At least for Now,
Thyne Chances to Conquer An Inch of My Heart are not Severely Diminished"
"By being Discouaged
Is there any Significance to Wavering State of My Mind
While I Remain Petrified and Burden-Some?"
"Burden-Some Precisely of WHAT?
Would Thyne Honourable Presence
PLEASE ELUCIDATE at Least a Portion of My
Undeniably Way Too SHALLOW Wits?"
"With all My Pleasure.
The Bitter side of Word as NEVER
is only Smaller Introduction to Dark Abyss behind.JUST ONLY IMAGINE
How Gruesome Our Days can be and GREEEEEEEEEEEEEY
When We are both
and in and out of ""And in and out of WHAT?
"That's all what I am trying to Express"
"You need to Deliver Thyne Message too Quickly
as Long as Thou're standing on Thyne Side.NOT THIS WARMER "COULD BE" OPPORTUNITY
I mean Quite Closer to the Inch of My Already Emaciated FLESH"
"Let me Pose in Such Way,
The Bare Wind damages the Surface of any kind of Skin
Politely I may Agree
The Wind is Un-Forgiving. For how can Wind forgive?
It's not Alive. It's just the Air in Motion."
Back to Our Topic"
"Oh with all My Deepest Attention""Ah! I KNEW IT! YOU'RE PIRATE.
I thought a lot about it. And now I'm almost Convinced.How COWARDLY a Miserable Man can Act
while being Afraid of some DUBIOUS COMPANY
"PROFESSIONAL ONES! And I have no Fear
to Rally them again. And one more Time
Right after another Dinner WHATNOT"
"Oh Oooooooooough!
So is it a Hint?"
"As far as Thou've secretly Desired
and to Voice one STATEMENTas if I don't Deserve Adequate Degree equal to Your SOCIO-ECONOMIC Sta.."
"Status? U wanted to say HOW BORING?!
Nah- nah - nah -nah -nah.
There should be something More to it.
Status? KINGS and SQUIRES are rather Obssesed with
And if YOU'RE PIRATE as I suspected
Few Several Times,
Tell me more about Your Pain
PoetryHe forgot to wear his Favourite Hat on his Path to Subway Station As always Clenching the Teeth Without Curiosity to Taste anything Peculiar in Particular