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I was given a 5 day notice yesterday. I dont have the money to pay my rent rn and if I dont pay by the 13th then our lease is terminated 🙃 I literally think I might be homeless you guys.

My boyfriend was terminated from his job after a mistake on their part about a month and a half ago and hes been looking for a job ever since. Hes finally secured one but because we are going out of town for Thanksgiving they wont start him until December 3rd.

I know what you might be thinking: my boyfriend is a bum, why hasnt he gotten a job yet?

Ive also been arguing with him because hes stubborn as shit and wants a job that pays more so we can start to save up as soon as possible. (Where did that get us babe?) And now he doesn't qualify for unemployment because he was fired, he didnt quit voluntarily. I have even helped him apply for jobs and he doesnt hear back from any of them. None. Zero. Zip.

I was also supposed to be getting money from the VA for my school and it was delayed, hence the reason I couldnt pay rent on the first place. (Dont worry, im still paying for school with it, just not right now)

I hate talking to my family because I grew up with them teaching me that if I ever ask them for help then Im considered weak. My sisters birthday was yesterday so of course I had to call my dad to speak to her and he asked me if I was okay and i broke. He called me back with my stepmother on the phone and they both just bashed on me and my boyfriend for letting it get this bad but honestly, how would you feel if your own parents bashed on your instead if helping you? Would you want to reach out when your in need?

I dont know what we are gonna do you guys, im so scared. I hate being an adult. We have never been late but the first time that we are its like that doesnt even matter.

You guys dont need to care but this might be my last post for a while. I love you all.

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