I'm sleeping.
Well obviously I'm not.
I'm awake.
I've been awake through conversation.
I've been awake through walk outs.
I've been awake and just left alone.I notice things.
I notice
Lack of things.
The tone.
Their eyes.
Their voices.I can tell that it's not the same anymore.
I can tell that it's different.I can feel that I'm trying harder.
I can feel them slipping away from me.Through the words and lack there of.
The touches and lack there of.It hurts because at a certain point you can't say I'm overthinking things because.
I see these things.
I can tell.It's as clear as day to me.
Even clearer.
When big things happen.
And I'm not even a thought until 1am.I'm sleeping.
No I'm not.