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Her forbidden fate

"Our eyes forever see but never perceive, our ears hear but never understand. Who has come to understand this things? Who knows her mind as to oppose her, her bait as to outwit her and her ways as to confuse her?"  Engraved in the book that holds the secrets and fate of the ruler of darkness reads, "I'm not ignorant of her schemes, lest she takes me for an advantage."


Who would interpret the whips and scorns she gives? Just as our light intensify, so does her ways. Her forbidden fate makes her unspeakably undesirable,  perplexing to remember and terrifying to forget. 

Her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirit of the dead. Ignorance is in her right hand and iniquity in her left hand. Those who finds her finds death. Ah!  but her devious love. Her speech is smoother than oil;  Her lips drop sweetness and under her tongue are honey and milk.  she  appears like the dawn,  majestic as the stars in procession. Oh! her eyes are like delightful love with its choice fruits, mesmerizing as perfume spreading its fragrance, pleasing to the soul more than any spice and choice wine.  But regardless of how you define her, in the end she is bitter than gall!

 Something is peculiar about her as a women more than when she is a man. She seduces with smooth words and persuasively lead astray. To those who have no sense she defiles to defile. To the ignorant she punish and enslave. 

She knows her way to the mind of man. With the deposit of wisdom she rules over religions and nurture nations into prostitution and adultery. She sits alongside women giving birth, eagerly waiting to devour their children. Ignorance and injustice are the foundation of her throne. Her kingdom has been brought to an utter end but she still reigns. She possess the deposit of all knowledge and understanding. She receive advise from nobody but she advise all and from her mouth comes nothing pleasant to the soul. Corrupted Kings rule by her. Science and philosophy submit under her. She is the wall of distortion that separate us all from God.  She is a genius of seduction, immersing himself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She is a prism through which she makes us more confused and more incomprehensible to the things of God. She confuses politicians back and fourth forever between grief and high delight and divide two nations that are uniting.  She swallows the wise, prey on the innocent and advise the devil. Angels lost their position because of her. She enchanted them and convince them at the same time they stood in the presence of God. Her fate is unknown and her heart unsearchable. She subdue prophets and confuse high priests and prey on the weak and innocent. She will fight anyone that attempts to unveil her ways and  serve to corrupt and she will always  keep her place before her days are over. 

The secrets to her fate are engraved in a hidden book that  has been unknown to many for generations and now falls in the hands of three teens. Will they stand her fate and survive her schemes?  The legend foretells in this long hidden book,  "It's only the wise in God will subdue and overturn her kingdom. And It will cost everything they have to stand firm and strong against her."

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