How do animals camouflage without having the color or patterns?

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Sometimes you might wonder how animals camouflage without having the color
Or patterns...But some animals don't need that.

Do you see that baby dear know as a fawn laying on his stomach blending in with his surroundings.
How do fawns camouflage
Fawns spend their first months lying underneath trees and searching for new hiding spots, and since a deer's natural habit is the forest, their brown coat and spots are supposed to help them blend completely into their environment.
How  adults dears camouflage
Dears camouflage with there brown fur. There brown fur blends in with there environment.
How sea animals blend in
Grate white sharks or one of the most sharks that camouflage. On the top the the shark it is dark on the under side and light on the light side of the ocean.

 On the top the the shark it is dark on the under side and light on the light side of the ocean

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Other sea animals camouflage in the water too. octopus camouflage by changing colors called chromatophores. Each of these cells has a tiny sac filled with either a red, orange, brown, yellow or black. By stretching or squeezing can change the brightness of these colors.
Where do some of these animals live
Going back to the dears they live in woods, wetlands, deciduous forests, grasslands, rain forests, arid scrublands and mountains. There are all places where dears and other animals can camouflage at. Of course all of these sea animals live in the Ocean but some of them live in different parts of the Ocean. Although the ocean is one continuous body of water, oceanographers have divided it into four principal areas: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic Oceans. Birds: Penguins, puffins, albatrosses, terns, curlews, pelicans, herons and egrets.
Marine mammals: Sea otters, manatees and dugongs.
Fish: Salmon, cod, halibut, marlin, tuna, ladyfish, herring and sardines.
Pinnipeds: Seals, fur seals, walruses and sea lions all live in the Pacific ocean. Walrus. The Atlantic walrus species is mostly found between the Canadian Arctic to the east and the Russian Arctic to the west. ...Spinner dolphin. ...Manatee. ...
Spotted eagle ray. ...
Bluefin tuna. ...
Great white shark. ...
Green sea turtle. .
Leatherback Sea turtle all live in the Atlantic ocean. The Indian Ocean is home to several unique species of marine life, including sea turtles, sharks, sea snakes, dugongs, and whales. Although the ocean itself has less marine life than other oceans because of its low plankton levels, you will find a rich array of marine life in specific areas and islands. A large portion of the Arctic region includes the Arctic Ocean, which is home to an amazing array of wildlife, including endangered bowhead whales, endangered polar bears, beluga whales, endangered ringed seals, and Pacific walruses.

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