Chapter 4

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They finally made it into the forest with a few scratches here and there from running, but now their safe away from the woman took them a while to lose her but eventually they did. Now here they are searching for any type of animal to kill, skin, cook, and eat. While Dream was searching for food Quackity was making a small adobe home because it was almost nighttime. Then all of sudden Quackity saw Schaltt right in front of him holding a beer bottle in hand ready to throw at him making Quackity cry out in fear flinching hard, screaming in fear. Dream heard the sudden screaming breaking out to a run heading towards Quackity worried that he has been found by anyone. Why does he care? He doesn't know. He saw Quackity crouched on the ground his arms covering his face for protection, sobbing his heart out yelling at something to someone? To stop but stop what? Dream was puzzled. He felt the need to hold the raven-haired boy close to his chest and say soothing things to him to make him calm down. Damnit why do I care so much? Why does my stomach feel weird but in a good way? What's wrong with me? Dream thought to himself. Zoning back into the present he hurries up and gets to BIg Q's side and asks " Can I touch you? Its Dream, Quackity." Quackity quickly nodded his head trying to block out hearing schaltt. Dream held Quackity close to his chest soothing him telling him nice words like "It's okay I'm here" or "your fine everything will be alright" and "I got you you're safe and sound right here with me" Those words left Quackity stop crying only thing you could hear were the sounds of the wind and the crickets, small sniffles being heard at times from Quackity, Dream's heavy breathing, the tree's leaves rustling against each other with the soft whistling of the wind. It was a night out and Dream had to continue finishing the small little adobe home they'll have for now while Quackity was sleeping in Dream's hoodie since he only wore only a light white collar shirt with black suspenders and a red tie. Dream finally finished the house and picked up Quackity bridal style and carried him, to their for now hideout. Now both of them laying in a single makeshift bed, Dream was holding quackity close to him technically spooning him. The more closer DReam heald Q to his chest the more Quackity would snuggle his head into Dream's chest. Why am I feeling so weird now that I'm with Quackity more? Dream thought.


It's been over a week since Dream and Quackity have escaped from the dsmp. Well, you see Quackity has been feeling this odd sensation every time he's near Dream all that he knows is not the feeling of hatred maybe guiltiness I don't fucking know anymore, to be honest. Anyway I wonder how Sapnap and Karl are doing- wait what the fuck I shouldn't be thinking about them they left me without saying a single word to me why should I even care about how they are doing right now ugh-

"Hey, whatcha thinking about," DReam asked sneaking up behind Quackity sitting next to him.

"Oh, uh its nothing"

"sure seems like something" 

" could you leave it alone for fucking sakes Dream"

"Dude chill out I was just asking man"

"I know" Quackity mumbled out "I'm sorry for kind of yelling at you" he sighed

"it's okay do you want to talk about it?" 

Quackity shook his no but then quickly nodded his head yes changing his mind

"Okay then, what were you thinking about that was making you all moody and upset" DReam said in a kind but in a yet sarcastic manner

"Karl and Sapnap" Quackity quickly mumbled out loud enough for Dream to hear.

"Oh yeah I heard they were your fiances from Sam"

"well not anymore," Quackity said quietly 

Dreams expression went to calm matter to a worried and sincere manner 

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