To Strangers again.

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last chapter is the longest :)

no editing was done. so yk bare with me.

im not back, i have stopped writing for this fandom, however, as promised I finished this book. Thank you again for everything <3

'Mine' last chapter out soon.

by Seekerluv started on: Feb 12th , 2022published on: May 1, 2022words: 8019—

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by Seekerluv
started on: Feb 12th , 2022
published on: May 1, 2022
words: 8019

Not much needs to be said this time.

It's been three months since.

Three months.

And Dream never got one text. Never got one single call. But today, he's left his first and last voicemail.

'Hey! It's me Uhm, Dream. That guy. I know you said that this wouldn't work out but I just, I can't stop thinking. About that night, about tubbo, about our kiss, about you, about us. — Man. It's been three months a week and two days since I last saw you, not that I'm keeping count. Anyways I just wanted to let you know, I finally wrote my book! It was published last week...if you want a free copy or something just let me—let me know yeah? I Uhm, I just, you...I...fuck—I miss you Sap. Like a lot. It hurts. Everything reminds me of you. Every Deli, every slushie, every breath I fucking take. Every day and night I secretly hope to see you waiting for the same train as me. I won't lie either, I even miss arguing or whatever it was we had trouble understanding. But how can I miss so many things that were never mine, to begin with, right? yeah. It's—just call me back maybe? I got Tubbo some legos.' — Left at 9:03 AM

Or maybe there was actually a lot to be said.

Friday, Queens, New York, 1:07 pm

"Karl I already told you no. I'm not going out tonight." Sapnap says for the hundredth time as he wipes down his kitchen counter with his friend whinny behind him and with Tubbo observing as he eats cereal on their small table.

"Oh but cmon! Tubbo loves staying over at Ranboo's house right?" Karl says turning to face Tubbo with a huge grin and pleading praying hands.

Ranboo is a friend Tubbo made at pre-school, and they often have play dates. They've had one sleepover but Tubbo got too sad so t midnight Sapnap walked to Ranboo's apartment to pick his son up.

Tubbo shrugs with a mouthful of cereal, "Yeah I mean, he's fun."

Karl groans louder at the response.

"See!" Sapnap says placing the rag back on its hanging bar, "Besides, last time I stayed out late...Tubbo got sick." He says leaning against the counter.

Karl sighs before running a hand through his hair muttering small yeahs in defeat. And Karl was gonna drop it but then he remembered something and immediately turned back around to face Sapnap.

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