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A/N: "I have idea what I'm suppose to write here so I have absolutely no words. So without further a do, let's get started!"


"In Hiro High"

"3rd P.O.V"

"He and his friends, including the students were sitting and watching a guy with scales covering his arms, legs and fists while fighting another guy who has razor sharp claws in a 1v1 match"

"As Kai kept on watching, he didn't notice Lance was glaring and was still in rage"

Lance: "Since I haven't used my quirk on that quirkless Tadashi, it's time for payback." "he growls mentally while clenching his fist" "I WON'T LET A WEAKLING LIKE HIM HUMILIATE ME!"

"As the match goes on, the guy with the claws using all of his strength trying to rip the scale guy who was blocking, but has been upper-cut by the him and knocked down"

Mako: "squints his eyes when the scale guy used an uppercut against the claw dude" "Geez, that was some aggressive punch right there." "he said" "Sounds like Lance would do something like that."

Kai: "sighs" "Evidently." "agreed quietly"

Aegus: "What's been troubling you Kai?" "he asked his host mentally"

Kai: "Nothing, it's just Lance." "he responded mentally"

Aegus: "Who is this Lance person?"

Kai: "He's right there." "points secretly at Lance" "Lance is a bully and my rival." "he said"

Aegus: "He bullies because you didn't have a quirk?" "guessed as Kai nodded" "Can you tell me what is his quirk? I'm curious."

Kai: "His quirk is Shape-Shifting, he can turn his human parts into a different of animal or creature like a lion, gorilla or even a dinosaur. But at the same time he usually wants me to be feared by threatening with his quirk on me." "he simply answered"

Aegus: "Shape-Shifting huh? That's quite stupefying, yet again it's a bit rude to bully people." "he said" "Oh yeah also I forgot to bare this in mind." "he spoke out"

Kai: "What's that?"

Aegus: "What is your brother's and Amaya's quirk? I never got to answer your friends what are your quirks are." "he questioned"

Kai: "Well, my brother can produce flames and as for Amaya she can manipulate wind." "he explained"

Aegus: "Quirks here are really peculiar and yet very interesting in this dimension."

Kai: "Aegus, do you usually study when you discover something new?" "he asked curiously"

Aegus: "Sometimes when I have the spare time, because it's my first time in earth. I'm still studying about these quirks and your customs so It might take a while for me to understand." "he mused"

"When the match ended, the students were giving an applause to the person who won while the immobilized claw quirk user was taken to recovery"

Random Teacher: "Alright, two more matches left and were done, who wants to go next?" "he asked them as Mako intentionally raised his hand" "You want to volunteer?"

Mako: "Yes sir." "he answered"

Random Teacher: "Very well then, who would like to match him?"

???: " "I do." "he responded with an intimidating voice"

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