the truth

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I got out of bed and instantly pulled out my laptop. I was going to research what type of disease-or something he might have. I pressed the power button and the screen lit up almost instantly. I awaited for the documents to be fully loaded before rigurously punching the keyboard and mouse with a great deal of exploration and wonder. I typed in the symptoms. Nothing. I tried it on a different site but still nothing so I decided to stop looking for diseases and just typed in the symptoms. Change in eye color, coldness that feels like death, strength - I learnt that when he pulled his hands from mine. All of these symptoms came up to only one thing on my computer......vampires. No this is not true. I searched again but still nothing other than this...... myth so I decided to read it. As I read I realized that there were things of the vampire that also compared to James. His body that felt like stone, when he ran away from me....he smelt my blood. His friends! Oh my God! Is this real?! Could this be possible? There's only one way to find out. And with this, I close my laptop and very uncomfortably went to bed.

James' POV
I blew it! I blew my chance with Belair! What am I saying? I'm dangerous for her. I'm no good. I'm here laying down in my bed seven hours after my 'date' with Belles. I can't stop thinking about her. She's stuck in my head. Why? Why do I like her so much? I have to stop thinking about her. There's only on thing to do.........forget Belair.

The beam of sunlight hits my face and causes me to get up out of bed. Hybrids don't sleep. Were already dead. So every day I have to await sunlight like....a monster. I get up and check the time. It's now 6:00 and I get up to my mother who is already preparing breakfast. And by breakfast I mean taking blood from the fridge. She's a vampire and my dad's a warewolf. They fell in love about two thousand years ago and during their thousandth year of marriage, they had me. So now I'm a mixed breed and the proper name is a hybrid.

"Good morning mom."

"Good morning honey. What do you want for breakfast?" She smiles brightly at me.

"Auum.....sheep's blood would be fine."

"Sure thing honey." My family is the type that doesn't drink humans. We stick to animals because we don't want to hurt them......but Belair makes it so hard. That's why I have to stay away. After having breakfast I take a shower and prepare myself for school.

My attire for school is not usually, what you call it- spontaneous. It's simple. When there's no sun I wear anything and when it's sunny I wear long sleeves, hoodies, pants, you know things to cover me up. So because its sunny today, I decided on a hoodie and some long pants with my Nike sneakers. I look quite simple and nice. The hoodie is tight so it shows up my muscular frame. Perfect! I want to impress Belair. What the fuck am I saying? Your suppose to forget her. Yes you are to forget but you can't because your a whimp! With a confused mind I head out of my house and in my car to drive to school. Here the pressure begins.

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