chapter 1

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"NO" i scream panicing. i fight the grasp of my grandma's grip. "let me go i need to stop this let me go!" i scream on the top of my lungs. my voice cacking from my rage and tears as they stream down my face. i see him. being taken away. for who knows how long.. "STOOOOP NO COME BACKKK" i scream and quicky sit up. i feel sweaty and my hair is sticking to my face and neck. harry bursts into my room and runs to my side as i poor out my tears onto his t-shirt. "lesley its ok love it was just a dream that was the past" he said softly trying to calm my heavy breathing.

he begins to play with a strand on loose hair. twirling it around his finger. my tears soon slowed their heavy water waves and soon there was no more. i was still shaking though. harry picked me up and scooted me over on my bed and placed me back down. he was in basketball shorts and nothing else. i am so thankful to have a bestfriend like him. but he is so over protetive but at the same time, its better than nothing. "ha-ha-harry" i whimpered. he moved some hair away from my face and looked at me. and i knew that even in the dark i could tell his look was full of concern. "yea les" he said not even a whisper, but just loud enough for me to hear. i rested my head on his chest hearing his heart beat slowig down from it's panic attack just a couple miutes ago.

"if was replaying it's self..i can't get that haunting memory out of my mater what i do, i ...i try but it always finds it's way back to me." i said quietly snuggling closer to my bestfriend. he pulled me tightly. "lesley it's ok im sorry, you have me it's here" he said his voice low and comferting. "its just that...why did this happen to me Harry what did i do to see this, feel this?' i say my voice muffled against his warm chest and covers. he tensed up when i finished my sentence i knew how much he hated to see me so hurt and broken. but how could i help it? the dreams and flash backs kept coming back to me. i had trust issues and i was an emotional wreck.. "its not your fault lesley" he said his voice thick an full of meaning. "get some sleep love, it's like 2 a.m we will go to the theater or to the park tomorrow alright?" he said pulling the covers up more wrapping the sheets around my small body tightly. he was shifting about to get up and go to is on room until i stoppe him, grabbing his wrist. "no harry, please stay..i'm scared the dreams will come back please" i whispered with tears stinging my eyes. he nodded lightly and scooted me again but ths time pulling the sheets over himself. "alright i'll stay now you have to promise to go to sleep les" harry said laying on his side wrapping his arm around me. "harry you dont think i woke up gemma and anne do you?" i said closing my eyes waiting to hear his responce. "no they woke up and opened their doors but i told them i would go to make sure it wa okay. they both nodded and went back to there rooms. but gemma wanted to come but i told her i had it she nodded and shuffled back to her room." harry said tightening his grip around my waist. i nodded and drifted to sleep by the humming of my bestfriend making me feel safe and wanted.

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