Mafia's Baby (Taegi) part 1

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Little: Kim Taehyung
CG: Min Yoongi

Requested by this amazing young lady @dharshini_ficfitions

Hope you like it 💜

⚠️ this is gonna contain mention of mafia, drugs, abuse and kidnapping ⚠️


Min Yoongi is a feared as well as respected mafia boss.

He may traffic cockain, Marijuana, cannabis and other illicit substances but he has strong values.

No-one can harm a child, if it gets out that any of his men dealed with underage kids, they will be excluded if not punished.

No women can be mistreated or disrespected. If he finds out you beat, raped or did anything of that sort, you will be castrated instantly.

As of homosexuality, transgender or any other aspect of the rainbow spectrum one can't even show any kind of disregard for them.

The boss himself is pansexual, loving anyone, regardless of gender. And to top it off, he doesn't see himself as being completely male either.

Some see him as a benefactor, a 'Robin Hood', other's see him as a criminal like all others.

Killing with a right cause is still murder.

Yoongi doesn't mind since he doesn't need approval of any sorts to live his life.

He needed to get money fast so he could avenge all those deaths, those injustices.

He was a stray kid, bound to live in misery all his life.

When he witnessed the murder of a family, right in front of his eyes, he knew, he had to avenge them.

Not just them but all people just like them, that fought to have a little bread to eat, that had to choose between water and a warm blanket for the night.

He has to avenge all those injustices.

Today being a very special day; Lee Woojin was gonna pay.

The latter had kidnapped several boys, making them crossdress while he raped them and denigrated them.

When one of the survivers told him, he knew he had to do something.

What better then to kidnapped his all to favorite son, Lee Taehyun?

Yoongi is fair, he wouldn't torture the guy if he wasn't guilty too.

Sitting on his couch, he waits for his men to reach the base.

The boss has his brown hair pulled up in a very small bun, leaving his forhead uncovered.

His body was wearing a simple black suit with a white undershirt.

His feet covered with Louis Vitton's last collection.

As the door opens, his expression drops.

"Here sir, we caught Taehyung!" A rather tall male says very enthusiastic.

That smile will vanish from his face in no time.

"You dumbass! That's not Lee Taehyun!" All eyes are focused on the brunette.

His hair curled, bouncing with every movement he makes.

His shivering body still in his blue pajamas, some buttons opened, some lost.

"But ... " Yoongi stands up and slaps him on his right cheek.

"I gave you one order, ONE! GIVE ME LEE TAEHYUN! And what do you give me? Hum? A civilian." The worker look down ashamed.

As the boss approaches the younger to apologize he starts crying.

The tears fall down his face, wetting his cheeks, he falls to his knees and hides his face in between his legs, shielding himself from the others.

"Taetae scawed. Taetae wan go away." The brunette whispers to himself, just loud enough for Yoongi to understand.

The boss scratches his forhead, sighing loudly.

"I can't believe you kidnapped a psychologically retarded kid. How the fuck did you misunderstand? It's not that hard to find Lee Taehyun." The brunette shakes in fear.

"Boss, I think he mistook the names sir." Another man dares to speak.

"How so?" Yoongi crosses his arms, not being able to let the guy on the ground out of his sight.

"As it says in the report, this is Taehyung with a G at the end. I think they misspelled the name." The boss looks at his red cheecked worker.

"Just so you know, this won't make it right Wonho! Tomorrow I want you ready to put this boy back home and apologize truthfully to his family. Make sure to give him whatever he wants, and I mean it! If you have to change his fucking diapers to make it right, you will! You know the rules." His stare on Wonho is like daggers to his heart, perforating him, leaving him bare in front of everyone.

"Taetae nu has diapers ... " The silent boy extorts, sniffing lightly.

Yoongi crouches down placing a gentle hand to the youngster's shoulder.

"It's okay, he will give you whatever you need, okay? It's to late now, we will let you sleep here, it's to dangerous to let you go home again at this hour." Taehyung flinches at the touch.

"Taetae nu has home ... nu has famiwy. Nu huwt Taetae pwease! Taetae ish good boy." As the younger explains, Yoongi's heart breaks.

"Don't worry boy, we will take care of you, okay?" The brunette shakes his head.

"Taetae afwaid." Yoongi looks at his female worker.

"Take him to our most childish room. Bath him if he likes or put him to bed with a plushi of his liking." The newcomer looks up, curious.

"Chu has pwushi?" The boss smiles lightly.

"I do, many actually. We have many kids here so I'm sure you can borrow one." The brunett's eyes sparkle.

"Taetae wan Chimmy!" As the younger jumps around happily guided by the woman, Yoongi stays behind, watching.

What the hell did I just do to this kid?


Hope you liked it my Moonchildren 💜😊

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