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she stared out the window with a blank expression on her face. Raindrops pitted against the glass pane, each one making a dull, yet distinct "thud". she lay her forehead against the cool glass and smiled to herself. she liked the rain. This kind of weather almost never came to her state, and she was debating whether she should go play in it or not. Although she was 16, sometimes she had the mind of a 5-year-old.

Minutes later, the front door slammed open, and in its threshold one could see a curly-haired woman in a bright yellow raincoat grinning from ear to ear. she jumped into the puddle that had been placed right in front of the door. After repeatedly splashing around in that one, she found a larger, muddier one, which she eagerly went for. she was soon covered with mud and water from head to toe, and her smile had grown even wider as the torrential rain poured down around her. she heard the front door open once again and knew that her worried lover, who had just woken up from a nap, was frantically searching for her. he called her name, his shout laden with panic. she cheerfully skipped over to him and grabbed his arm with her muddy hands. He yelped, but couldn't resist the force of gravity (and of his beloved) as he was pulled into the front-door puddle. he frowned at first, despising the feeling of squishy earth under his boots.

"Come, Erik! It's fun!"

"No. This is child's play... Unsanitary child's play." Rebutted the masked man.

she pulled out the "puppy-dog face". he gave in.

"Fine. I'll jump... Once."He did so, splashing water all over the both of them and instantly worrying about her.

"My angel, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-"

"Erik, it's okay. I'm covered with mud anyway."

"...Oh. Alright then."

she leaped into the bigger puddle, pulling him with her and once again causing an explosion of water and mushy earth. she squealed with joy. he squealed with disgust.

"What, you don't like this?" she asked him, suddenly somber.

"...I'll learn to like it, if my angel enjoys it."

"Awww, thank you, Erik!!!"

he sighed with a smile before scooping some water from the ground with his hands and casting it into her face.


He gave no reply, but watched her with a little smirk. she was now furious, and she grabbed mud from the lawn with both of her hands. When she slathered it all over his countenance, he could do nothing except gape widely with his eyebrow(s) immensely raised (the eyebrow behind his mask isn't really an eyebrow... Sorry, Erik). she giggled and ran away from him, afraid of how he would react to her eccentric action. He came after her, hands full of mud and black combat boots having excellent traction over the uneven ground. she gave a short scream as he approached and slathered mud on her face. she pushed him, her strength strangely being enough to cause him to fall. He took her hand and yanked her down, so that she was seated next to him in a medium-sized, muddy puddle. The two laughed louder than they had in a long time. It had been a difficult past few months- Christine's former lover had abandoned her, leaving her with physical and mental cuts and bruises. Fortunately, Erik had seen her removed from the DeChagney mansion and had (again) kidnapped her. Not that she struggled against him. Anyone would be better than the Vicomte. she actually liked- no, loved- being with Erik. he cared about her and never meant to hurt her.

"your mask is all dirty," said Christine.

"Yes, I think both of us are nearly covered in mud."

Christine gave Erik a straight face before slowly lifting her hand towards his face. she gently removed his mask and set it next to her. Anger flashed in his eyes, but he controlled his temper and allowed her to take his mask off. she smiled at his deformed face and made his eyes soften. the rain poured, each drop hitting their heads and splashing. Slowly, Christine brought her face close to Erik's and kissed his right cheek as a sign of her affection. to respond, he closed his eyes and kissed her forehead chastely. Christine wrapped her arms around her lover and pulled him close to herself. then she looked up at him and brought her nose close enough to his to barely graze it. Slowly, their lips met and they closed their eyes, fully engaged with one another. Rain poured around them as they held one another and expressed their mutual love. they soon pulled away from each other, and Erik gazed fondly into Christine's eyes. she gazed carefully into her lover's face, studying his deformity.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his brow furrowing at her strange behavior.

she smiled.

"I never had taken so close a look at your face before.."

she lifted a hand to gently trace the indents, gashes, wounds, bumps, rashes and disfigurement of his skin. he was genuinely confused and began to fear she would abandon him after a slow look at his deformation. she could tell he was worried, for it shone in his eyes.

"Erik, your face..."

his brow furrowed more and his heart began to patter rapidly.

"I love it. It is beautiful."

Erik breathed a sigh of relief, and tears began to prick at his eyes.

"How...," began he.

"It is art.. Each fold and divot is perfect.."

And to confirm her newfound interest in his face, she planted another soft kiss on his cheek, then caressed it with her hand. With tears rolling down his cheeks, Erik grabbed the hand that was softly caressing his face and held it tightly there.

Such love made no sense for him. All he knew was that he was made for it. Erik stood and pulled Christine up with him. Christine took his hands in hers and clasped them. she then looked up at him and softly pressed her lips upon his. After one kiss, she gave smaller kisses to his deformed lip, and she brought one hand to cup his deformed cheek. he shook with sobs, overcome by the love that was being shown to him. When she was finished, she looked back into his eyes, which were filled with tears, and gave a sympathetic look.

"my angel, don't cry!" she said happily.

he wiped his tears with his wrist.

"I'm sorry, my love, I just can't—"

"Erik, it's okay. you needn't apologize for this."


he looked like a small child, innocent and weak. Christine suddenly embraced him and began to sing him a lullaby. Every trace of fierceness, anger, hate and disillusionment faded from his heart, and he fell to Christine's feet in a ball.

"Are you okay?"

he made no reply.

Christine bent to his level to check on him, and he looked up at her with large, pleading eyes. she could see pain and remnants of brokenness in them. As gently as if holding an infant, Christine took his torso in her arms and continued her song. As she sang, she smiled down at the sensitive boy, who looked at her with strange eyes and a happy expression.Once Christine's song was over, Erik looked up and let out a small "thank you". In response, Christine smiled down at him.

"Can we go inside?" Christine asked, the chill of the rainy weather biting her skin.

Erik came to and instantly affirmed her request. they walked back to the building together, then sat by the fire to warm up. After eating a meal of chicken soup, they spent the evening together, laughing and talking, until they grew tired and said goodnight.

the end.

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