Magus: A Higher Education - Part 2

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Two days later was the first day of class, and Sebastian adjusted his tunic yet again. He had to look like he belonged. After making sure that his door was locked, he started for the academy, chewing on the leftovers from yesterday's dinner, which reminded him that he also needed to find work, 'I'll look after class.'

When he arrived at the Academy, students were streaming in for morning classes. Sebastian joined the throng. He tried to act like he knew what he was doing, but he probably failed. Fortunately, there were plenty of new students who looked even more lost than him.

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"We will start with Ankar's Postulate," droned the thaumaturgy professor. Sebastian scribbled notes as fast as he could. The classroom was huge - it sloped down, such that it filled two stories. There were at least a hundred students, all sitting in rows piled up one on top of the other, so much so that there was no way for the professor to know all the student. Or to realize that one of them hadn't actually registered for his class.

The problem was that the professor was lecturing like he assumed that the students already knew what he was talking about. But Sebastian was not even certain what half the words meant. And he couldn't go ask the professor. 'Am I really that behind?'

An hour later he put his pen down, mentally and emotionally exhausted, as the professor floated up to the ceiling and out through a door that was not otherwise accessible.

Sebastian turned to the boy sitting to his right, "So, were you able to follow all that?"

"Some." The boy looked Sebastian over, taking in his cheap cotton shirt and lack of jewelry. The boy was wearing a large gold necklace over a fine silk tunic, with ruffles at the sleeves and lace at the collar, as was the fashion.

"Do you want to get together this evening and go over our notes? Two heads are better than one, you know."

"I don't think so," he smiled slightly as he finished putting his notes into his bag. The boy on his other side added, "some heads are better than others, you see."

Sebastian scanned the room for any friendly faces as the lace-y fop titterer. 'Isn't Simon supposed to be in this class?' But with all the people, he couldn't see his new acquaintance. As he looked around the room, one face did leap out at him.'Huh. makes sense, I guess.'

That blond girl, Baron Clausvits daughter, swept past on her way to the door.

'I wonder if Johan is here as well?' Sebastian's feeling on meeting the boy he viewed as his rival were ambivalent. On the one hand, he wanted to get his measure, but on the other, he wanted to have a chance to catch up academically before facing him. With some decent training, he was certain he would be able to show that guy up.

Sebastian checked the schedule he had cobbled together. The practicum for thaumaturgy only met once a week, and the first session wasn't until next month. In each class the students had to demonstrate what they had learned - it was part class and part test.

The only other class he had today was the only one he was actually signed up for - Early Thyatian literature.

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"Finally!" Sebastian collapsed into his chair. This classroom was all the way across campus, on the fifth floor. It was right under the eaves, so even in the cool fall weather, it was hot and stuffy.

As the Professor began to lecture, Sebastian glanced around the room. It was a small class - there were twelve students in it, and only one girl, and she sat at the back of the class.

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