Magus: A Higher Education - Part 5

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"Are you certain that all this is necessary?" Sebastian asked. It was evening, and the ball had started, but Katrin had insisted that they needed to be fashionably late.

"Yes. These social engagements are just as formal and ritualized as your magic, and one misstep will make it as ineffective." She straightened Sebastian's collar for the third time. Katrin stepped back to inspect her work before giving an annoyed sigh. "You're crooked!"

"Excuse me?"

"There is something wrong with your head."

"I think my head is just fine, thank you. And apparently, so does your Count, or I wouldn't be here."

"No, you look lopsided. Hold still," Katrin produced a pair of shears from somewhere and before Sebastian could think to move she proceeded to snip off a couple of locks of hair, "That's better" she dusted Sebastian's face with her handkerchief. "Ok, let's go." She took Sebastian's arm in a formal fashion, a hand resting on top of his bent forearm.

/|\ Magus /|\

The walk back down to the ballroom was much more awkward than the trip up had been. Sebastian felt like every person they passed was appraising his position next to the Princess and judging him. Judging him lacking, that is. And he had NO idea what to expect from the mercurial princess either. Right now she was smiling and nodding, but at any moment he expected her to whip out the shears again and stab somebody. Possibly him.

As they approached the ballroom, the major-domo stepped forward and announced ,"Her Royal Highness, the Princess Katrina. And guest."

As they walked in, the Princess let go of his arm - his signal that he was to go mingle in the general direction of the count. But before he could take two steps, a corpulent man draped in too much rich cloth appeared, as if by magic. "Welcome, your Highness. It is very nice to see you putting in an appearance at one of our functions. And who is this young gentleman?

Katrin smiled brightly, though the look in her eye was one that Sebastian associated with her swearing like a longshoreman, "Greeting, Minister, this is Sebastian d'Blackford. He has been helping me out as a junior adviser." She leaned in whispered conspiratorially, "it is never too early to start collecting advisers." All was going as Katrin had planned. Sebastian casually snagged a fluted glass of some beverages and took a delicate sip. Not bad. "Sebastian, this is d'Hartville, the Queen's Minister of Agriculture"

"Ah, a junior adviser?" The walrus of a man stepped closer to Katrin, "So you are still looking for a senior adviser?" At her acknowledging nod, he added, "I might now somebody." He eyed Sebastian, "And what does he advise you on?"

"Sebastian is an academic, so he is knowledgeable in several areas, though I may have to do without his services over this summer, as he has recently become engaged to Lady Melanie Clausvit." Sebastian choked on the wine. This was NOT part of the script. Katrin handed him her handkerchief, to clean up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I know you didn't want to let people know about that as yet, but we want to make sure that there aren't any misunderstandings." She emphasized the last word.

"Um, yes." Sebastian was blushing a beat red by this point, not certain how to get out of his dilemma.

"Why don't you go mingle, while I talk to the good minister." Katrin made a shooing motion, and when the minister was behind her, a grimace of distaste.

Sebastian nodded, 'Why am I doing this?' He made his way to the table of food. He knew why. It was because the Princess actually seemed to want to help people. And she had asked nicely. And she was pretty. Sebastian paused as he picked up a fried dumpling. Actually... she hadn't asked, nicely or otherwise, had she? 'I deserve seconds, for putting up with her.' He took another dumpling before heading out to find his quarry.

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