Truth or Truth

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"Truth or dare Kirishima?" Uraraka questioned in a mischievous tone as she looked to the red haired man on the opposite side of the fire.

"Dare, it's the manly way to go!" He responded with his signature smile, avoiding picking truth when it came to the girls. They always had a way of knowing just the questions they needed to ask to really get under your skin.

"I dare you to sit on Sero's lap for the next two rounds." She replied with a sigh. She was hoping to use this chance to get to know something about him and a specific pink haired girl.

"Come here bro." Sero said towards one of his best friends with a wink before the duo burst into laughter.

"Oh, I'm coming honey." Kirishima replied with a laugh as he playfully rolled his eyes as he made his way over to Sero, before gently sitting in his lap. "Okay, Midoriya, truth or truth?" The red head questioned when he got settled in his friends lap. Everyone decided that Midoriya and Bakugo wouldn't be aloud to do any dares considering their injuries and Todoroki couldn't do any dares that required a lot of movement.

"I guess truth." The freckled boy responded with a small laugh. Today was only their second day on the island, but it already felt like so much longer. After Bakugo got his stitches, he slept for two hours before waking up in pain. Mei gave him some of the ibuprofen she had and Todoroki kept making ice to help keep his back semi numb, but that was the best they could do.

"Is there anybody sitting in this circle that you like?" He questioned with a smirk as he carefully studied Midoriya's face. Kirishima had noticed how his best friend had gotten nicer when if came to the green haired boy and he couldn't help but wonder why. If they were going to be stuck on this island for who knows how long, they could at least have a little fun and maybe play some matching making as well.

"Yes." Midoriya mumbled in response as he looked down to the ground, hiding his flushed face. Most people looked to him in shock since they weren't expecting him to admit it so easily.

"Who?" The redhead questioned smugly as his eyes flickered to every person in the group, narrowing it down. Everyone looked to the green haired boy with curiosity as they silently begged to know who it was.

"Only one question per truth!" Iida reminded simply, shutting down Kirishima. It was one thing to ask about his crush, but to ask who it was in front of everybody was a whole other story.

"Kaminari, truth or dare?" Midoriya questioned, ignoring all the stares he was getting. He knew that a question like that was going to come up. There are only so many things they can talk about and do on this island. Honestly, getting to know one another better was going to be their only thing to do to pass the time.

"Truth." He replied simply. All the dares were kind of lame, so there was no point in picking it in his opinion.

"Tell us about your first date." The green haired boy ordered silently, hearing small pieces of it. "The kiss part in particular." He said with a glint of evil in his eyes.

"Anything but that." The blond replied as he flinched from just the memory.

"Wait, now we have to know!" Jiro said with a wicked smile. Kaminari was never embarrassed by anything, so she had to know the story behind this.

"Fine." Kaminari replied with a groan as he sent a death glare to the freckled boy. "I went out with this girl about a week before we started our first year. It ended up being the worst date I had ever been on. When I picked her up from her house, she reeked of mold and animal feces. I almost turned around and walked away." Kaminari began explaining as he shuddered from the memory in his head. "Long story short, she tried to kiss me five minutes into the date. I didn't want to be rude, so I kissed her back." He said as his stomach started to turn all over again. "She had two day old sushi stuck in her braces and she tried shoving her tongue down my throat, I almost threw up in her mouth." He finished with a heavy sigh.

"T-that's great!" Jiro responded through her laughter as the rest of the class joined. To them it was funny but to Kaminari, it was traumatizing. He hasn't even attempted to kiss anyone since.

"Moving on." Kaminari stated curtly, not wanting to think about the taste of that two day old sushi anymore. "Bakugo, truth or truth."

"Just ask the question dumbass." Bakugo spat in reply, still in pain. Bakugo has never picked truth before, so everyone had a million questions running through their heads. However, Kaminari was drawing a blank. So he went for the same question that Kirishima had. "Do you like anyone sitting in this circle?" Everyone's heads turned towards the fiery blond, expecting him to insult the other blond. What came out of his mouth next was more surprising than any insult he could have come up with.

"Yes." Bakugo replied with his teeth clenched. There was a reason he never picked truth and this was why. It wasn't that he liked the dares, but he didn't want anybody to know his secrets. He didn't want anybody to know his vulnerabilities and his weaknesses.

"Wait, wh-" Kirishima started, but was quickly shut off by the sound of his teachers approaching.

"Break time is over." Mic stated loudly, gathering the classes attention.

"Girls, go grab some soap from Mei and Haru and go wash up." Aizawa ordered in a monotone expression, thankful that Mineta was on the other plane. "Kirishima, Kaminari and Todoroki, come help us cook the fish for dinner. Iida and Sero, can you continue writing the S.O.S. messages in the sand and filling them with rocks?" Everybody mumbled quick responses as they stood up and went to do what they were told.

"Is there anything we can do at all other than sit here and be helpless?" Midoriya questioned in an annoyed tone. It wasn't fair that him and Bakugo just sat there while everyone else was working hard to get a good system going for them to survive in, even if they were hurt.

"We'll find something for you to do tomorrow, just sit there for now and don't cause any more trouble." Aizawa replied with a heavy sigh, knowing the two had to be going stir-crazy.

"How's your back feeling Kacchan?" Midoriya questioned quietly, as their teacher walked away, leaving them alone with one-another.

"Is it Round Face?" Bakugo questioned, still annoyed with the fact that Midoriya did have a crush on someone on this island.

"What?" The freckled boy questioned as he tilted his head in confusion.

"The person you like, is it Round Face?" The blond asked once more as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. He didn't understand why his heart rate was picking up as he felt like he could throw up.

"What? No. She's into Iida." Midoriya replied with a scoff, upset that the fiery blond would even think that. "We've known each other our whole lives and you really think I'm straight?" He asked with a small laugh. He didn't fully understand why his childhood friend wanted to know who it was or why he looked so embarrassed about it, but Midoriya thought it was cute, so he didn't question it.

"Who is it then?" Bakugo asked as his anxiety sky rocketed, making him feel more sick than he did before.

"I'll tell you if you tell me." Midoriya whispered in response, now hiding his own flushed face. Neither of them said anything else as they sat there, too afraid to tell one another how they really felt.

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