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"Hitoshi, I've been home for a week, you have to let me go at some point." Kaminari said as he laid on his back, his boyfriend on top of him with his arms wrapped around his waist and his head buried in the crook of his neck.

"No I don't." The tired man replied as he squeezed his arms tighter around the blonds slender waist. "I thought you were all dead you know." He whispered. Between being glued to his parents and his boyfriend, he hadn't been by himself since everybody was rescued. "I know I didn't always act like I cared or I appreciated all of you enough, but I do." He whispered, causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.

"I know you do love." He responded as he began rubbing his arm up and down his boyfriends back in a soothing manner. "I love you more than you'll ever know." He said with a soft smile as he brought his hand up, running his fingers through his boyfriends soft hair.

"Shut up idiot." Shinso mumbled in embarrassment, causing the blond to laugh. "But I love you too." He responded as he buried himself further into Kaminari's neck, humming with content.


"Heads we go shopping, tails we stay in and watch movies." Ashido offered as her and Kirishima sat on the red heads bed, facing each other. The young woman held a quarter in her hand as she stared into her boyfriends red eyes. She wanted to go to the mall, and the redhead wanted to stay in and watch movies with her. Since they couldn't agree, they decided to flip a coin.

"Ready?" She asked before tossing the coin in the air, letting it land on the bed between them. The duo looked down in eagerness to see it landed on tails. Ashido let out a small sigh as she lowered her head.

"How about we go to the mall for just a couple of hours, grab a nice dinner and come back and watch movies until we fall asleep." Kirishima said with a small laugh as he studied his girlfriends pouty face.

"Really?" She asked with a wide smile as she looked up from the dark red comforter.

"Yeah, I just don't want to shop until everything closes." He responded with a nervous smile. When he went shopping with his girlfriend, it was a breakfast through dinner kind of thing. He usually didn't mind, but he wanted to watch movies and cuddle with her tonight.

"Two hours, max." She responded as she jumped from the bed. "Thank you!" She beamed with a wide smile as the redhead stood from the bed.

"Mina?" He asked quietly, causing her to look over in his direction. She opened her mouth to respond, but shut it immediately when she felt another pair of lips smash against hers passionately. She smiled into the kiss as her arms wrapped around Kirishima's neck and his arms found their way to her waist. "I love you." He whispered as he pulled away, resting his head against hers.

"I love you too." She responded with a small smile.


"What did you want for dinner tonight?" Iida questioned as he and Uraraka slowly walked around Campus, enjoying the warm breeze.

"I'm not sure." She responded with a simple shrug. "Not really in the mood for fish still." She added with a small laugh.

"I was thinking of ordering take-out from the ramen shop across town. Since we said we were going to study with Yaoyorozu and Jiro tonight, I'm not sure if I feel like cooking anything." He responded simply as he reached over, grabbing her hand. He laced their fingers together, showing her a small smile. Unlike the rest of their class, they were taking their relationship extremely slow, not even using their first names yet.

"That's sounds good to me. Just let me know what you want and I can order, my treat." The brunette said with a soft smile as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

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