Chapter Three: Realizations

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A/N: anOthEr CrAzy jOurNey, aNotHer chaNce tO gO anD chAnGe the pAst~

TWs: Mentions of explosions

Stay safe!

My Instagram: @bi.lavvy


Karl's stomach does flips and turns, why does this feel so... good? The touch of his watch, how it feels against his skin. The swirls of a portal opening tastes sweeter than candy, and his head is spinning.

"Karl?" A voice breaks him from this trance. Karl turns back, his eyes connecting a force with Tubbo's.



"What's up?"

"You've been standing still for a hot minute, dude."

"Sorry, I was just focused." Karl shrugs, tracing his finger on the hands of the clock. "Are you ready?"

"...Ready as I'll ever be?" And with the answer, Karl turns the hand backward slightly, enough to back a year or two ago. From that action comes a portal of purple and green swirls. Bigger than Tubbo's house! "Woah!"

"Are you ready?!" Karl yells over the sucking noise.

"What do we do?!"

"When I say jump, jump in! Here, take my hand!" Karl's eyes widen, reaching out for the shorter boy's hand. Tubbo looks down and then looks up, his mouth gaping with surprise.


Karl's eyes...

They're flashing a symbol.

No, not like Tubbo's. It's not the nuclear weapon symbol. But it's a clock, similar to the watch on Karl's wrist.

"Karl... Maybe we shouldn't do this!" Tubbo yells.

"Come on! Don't be a chicken!"

"No! We shouldn't go!" Grabbing his hand, Karl jumps in the portal with Tubbo.

Tubbo falls onto the ground, dropping from the portal with a grunt. He's too scared to look up, where even are they?

A laugh...

An evil laugh.

A horrid laugh is heard from behind Tubbo, sending a shiver down his back.


"HAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOD! THAT FELT SO GOOD OH MY GOD!" Karl yells, cacking while hugging his chest tightly. Finally, Tubbo looks up. A beautiful sky is full of splashes of pink and orange with birds chirping by. But one quick look forward and he sees... himself?

"I know what you're thinking, yes. That's you!" Karl smiles, his stomach still growling. With shock, the shorter boy walks forward. He's right, it is him. With his suit and tie, what day even is this?

It's... Doomsday? No. It's part of the election? No, is it... Is it the explosion of L'Manberg?

"Is this the explosion of L'Manberg?"

"Bingo." Tubbo wants to curl up and hide away from the traumatic memories shared between Karl and Tubbo in this place. Though Karl was pretty new, he still has a memory of the event happening. Everyone did, I mean. Even Ranboo who wasn't there has feelings about it. It was horrible... no. awful. "I just wanted to show how this works, let's g-"

"No... wait." Tubbo mumbles, slowly stepping forward to follow the trails of his past self.

"I want to go home, why can't we go home?" he hears the old version of him whisper to Niki.

"Sorry, Tubs. I don't even know what's happening. We can go home if you want!"

"Actually... no. We should stay! I don't think it's safe for us to go back, let's just stay!" Tubbo gapes his mouth slightly opened, stepping forward to reach out for his younger self. So young and so innocent, barely has horns.

"Why did I say no...?" Niki turns back to face the older Tubbo, her eyes widened in shock.


"I- Uh... KARL!" Tubbo yells, running back over to the time-traveler. "We've gotta go!"

"I know! I know! Come on!" Karl yells, turning forward the hand on the watch while seeing the portal open up. "Take my hand!" With no hesitation, Tubbo takes the hand of the taller brunette before jumping in sync.

Tubbo falls on his wrists, groaning and grunting as he stands up once more.

"I thought it was just a mirage!"

"No! You can interact with them! God, I should have told you! I'm sorry." Karl groans, rubbing his eyes softly. He has no feelings, though. Honestly, he longs for the rush... oh god.

He sounds like Tubbo.


"I think it's time for you to go home."




Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night!!

Oh? Are you Gonna Cry? (Tubbo's Surge, Part Two) ‼️DISCONTINUED‼️Where stories live. Discover now