I'm Fragile

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vinnies pov

a couple weeks ago i told y/n that i didnt feel the way i used to feel for her. That was the biggest mistake of my life! turns out you only truly appreciate something when its gone. she left in tears that day, and at first i didnt feel anything so i went out with some of my friends to the stripclub. some of my fans saw me there and saw me throwing money and all that. that all got to social media, and next thing i knew y/n blocked me on everything. then i realized i need her and most importantly still loved her with all my heart. when i got home all i could do was cry and be upset at myself for letting something so perfect outta my life. i decided to text her from my spam acc on tiktok no one knew about, not even her

ilikecatsandmygf: hi

y/n: uh hi whos this

ilikecatsandmygf: vinnie Text didnt go through

she blocked me, honestly i would react the same way she is. i would hate myself if i was her, and tbh i hate myself for hurting her. i dont know what i was thinking. i then decided to go for a drive, while i was unlocking the s13 and i saw y/ns aparment keys. Thats It! 

Y/ns pov

i was absolutely crushed when i found out that vinnie lost feelings, but going to a club the night we break up is a bit upsetting. rn im crying on my bed in my apartment when i hear a knock at the door. i get up and wipe my tears, then i open the door and see the man who broke my heart. the one and only vincent hacker. i slam the door right in his face but he puts his foot in the door. 

vinnie:look i wanna wanna talk

y/n:talk about what, how you broke my heart then went out and had fun at a club! no not today vincent not anyday!

this time i manage to slam the door. i fall against the door and sink to the ground and start to sob.

vinnies pov

look im sorry i hurt you i wasnt thinking straight! i yell at y/n from outside, i can hear her little sobs coming from inside. so i take the keys and open the door. shes pressed against it so i have to push kinda hard making sure i dont hurt her. i see her sitting on the ground sobbing and that breaks my heart knowing the pain i caused her, i pick her up and hug her. she hugs back but then lets go and looks at me with her puffy red eyes. "i honestly didnt think you would be hurt, dont know why" i tell the broken girl. she looks at me and starts to speak.

y/ns pov

im only human, and i bleed when i fall down. Im only human, and i crash and i break down. yours words in my head knives in heart, you build me up and then i fall apart. vincent ofc im hurt, the love of my life told me he didnt love me like he used to! im sorry i hurt you i wasnt in the right head space please just give me one more shot. i know this guy, he loves you with all his heart and if he has to he will get on his hands and knees. vinnie says. i still love him. Ok vinnie ill give him another chance, i say. vinnie jumps up and grabs me and starts to kiss me. 

vinnies pov

omg really ily sm i will never make the same mistake again!


ummm have yall seen vinnies hair cut, hes still cute but i like both hair cuts

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