Feel like dying

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"ELLA! Come downstairs right now !"
Aunt Regina called . Feeling like killing myself I ran down the old creaky stairs . By the time I got down everyone was in the living room staring at me ."You ate later by 48 .59 seconds what took you so long? "My cousin Victoria called ."Ummmm..... I ... Came from the attic " I murmured quietly . "Well you shouldn't be in your room in the day !" Regina called . "Anyway the reason we called your ugly face down is because we are going on a trip to the Carbine for the month .So we expect you to be serious and take charge of the house ,we will send a list of 10000 things to do in a day . You are lucky you don't have 100000 chores in a day ." Regina hissed. "Yes madam , I will do all 10000 chores you give me ."I sigh . After that I ran up stairs about to scream with anger . "Ella! I didn't dismiss you come back here ,RIGHT NOW!!! " Aunt Regina shouted "Mom, why are you calling her back down you hate her "My other cousin Carly asked.
"Well, I want her to get friends so she won't be in this house anymore."Regina chuckled evilly.
"Yes mother that is great thinking ,let's go pack sister."Carly exclaimed.
As I ran back down no one was there except Aunt Regina, thinking evilly probably . As I know how evil she is , she is probably trying to kick me out again but act like an angle at the same time .
"Ella while we are gone there is a community sleep over for all the girls and no boys aloud down the street , and only if you are done all your chores you can go before we come back."Aunt Regina said in a mysterious but nice way.
"Yes Ms.Regina I will finish my chores and go for Carly and Victoria's be half."
I sighed in relief happy that I was not in trouble. "You are dismissed Ella and we leave tomorrow by the way . Also I will email you your chores of the day wake up bright and early . If you are finished your chose you can get the rest of the day of "Regina said politely
She was almost trying to be nice, and the last time she was nice to me was when she adopted me at the age of 20 months.
All I hearer from upstairs was the excitement of everyone, everyone except me. Well I was surprised because the last time Regina left me at home was last month when she went to our neighbours house to get an apple pie for Victoria and Carly's sweet 16th, of I haven't mentioned the girls are twins.

I am sorry that is chapter is very short And not the best but it not easy thinking of a story , any way I will write better and longer chapters later on 😃

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