Slumber Party !

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When I reached the place I knocked on the door and someone slowly opened a small window and with a deep voice said "Who are you".I replied and said Ella .The deep voice began again and said "We have no Ella's unless you are coming for someone." . "Yes I am coming for Victoria and Carly "I said quietly.The door slowly opened ,I felt like I was in some movie . The person finally opened the door fully and she said "Hi, my name is Lisa ,and sorry about my deep voice I am sort of supposed to do that." Lisa said in a sweet tone. "Anyway we don't have a list of girls it is just fun to say! "she laughed ,then she lead me in to were the girls my age are .I meat talked to some people that I recognized and some I didn't. Then I bumped into this girls with long wavy brown hair ,and who wear glasses that looked to big in her.They were almost like mine.And also looked very nice. "I'm so sorry about that I got pushed and now I am here ."As the girl brushed herself of and stood beside me "Hi, my name us Ella"I said politely .I felt like I was in some sort of movie that the spotlight was just us and no one else finally she spoke "And my name is Ashley ,nice to meet you Ella." She said politely.
"So do you want to go to the game room, I there is going to be lots of contests ,and a game of sock ball." Ashley nodded her head in agreement and we walked over to the game room. I saw the sock ball game about to start so I pointed to the game and we ran over just in time .„Okay girls grab a partner and go onto one side 5 pairs on the left and 5 on the right.And girls I hope you brought and extra pair of cause we didn't bring any." I saw lots of girls running to their bags while I was walking with Ashley .We were talking quietly and then she asked me something "Hey Ella, is this your first sleep over?"She asked me."Ya,I am a house maid for my aunt and cousins up the street.And so this is my first sleep over...except I can't sleep over because the house is empty."I whispered .
By the time we reached our bags half of the room was empty.Everyone loved sock ball, and personally it is my favourite so far (next to soccer).So we decide to run back to the game room were all the girls are getting ready.
"The game starts in 3 minutes "Yelled a voice from the back of the crowed.
"5...4...3...2...2....1......Start the game !!!
Everyone started to throw the socks around the room and with all the different types of sock it was a masterpiece. by the time the game had 30 seconds left the only players that where Ashley and some girl named Charlotte, and on the other side there was Lisa and some girl named Lila... never mind Lila just got hit so just Lisa and so did Charlotte and she ran off towards me.By this the girls where whipping socks at each other and everyone else was counting down from 10.

Honk!There was a loud noise that went off and I guess I am used to loud noises like that and a person began to talk."And the winners are Ashley Harmony and Lisa Lontrax. The 2 girls did some sort of hand shake, and then ran to me ."Congratulations you did amazing!"I said happily."Thanks,but isn't it time for you to get home?"Ashley asked. In reply I said "Oh! I totally forgot and way nice to meet you both !"And then I rushed out the door with my bad and my sandal making the loudest sound against the pavement by time I got home I could have woken my neighbourhood up.I quickly rushed into the door and slipped off my shoes ,and running up stairs.By the time I jumped into bed I relished that I forgot my fuzziest socks.So I jumped out of bed and grabbed my shoes and headed out the door running to the house. When I got there I saw a poster that said no entry come back in the morning .So I sadly turned around and went back home.

In the morning I went back to the house and knocked on the door and Lisa opened the door for me and let me in "Hi Lisa, I am the girl from last night and I forgot my socks here did you see them? " I asked
"No I have not seen them but why don't you stay we're having pancakes."Lisa replied . "No thanks I am fine I made food at home but if you see them I live down the street."
So I ran back to me house to eat my breakfast .

A/n: okay, so I wrote this book a long, long time ago and my grammar was terrible so I don't even know why I wrote this but whatever. So, I decided to reread it because I was really bored one day and I died of laughter, like this book is so bad. Back to my point, a couple of people I know said jokingly that I should continue writing it, as a joke of course, so I'm going to continue to embarrass myself and I'm too lazy to fix all the mistakes so you're going to have to deal with it. From now on, this book will be a joke and I sill don't even understand why I would write it but Yeah let's continue!!!
Xoxo, gossip girl

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