The Dinner

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*1 hour later, Shrek would be waiting by the food place waiting for Armin, just as he was about to leave he would see Armin running towards him. "I thought you would have ditched me" Shrek would say to Armin, sighing a sigh of relief, "yeah, I almost forgot until I remembered, than rushed right over here" Armin would say out of breath. "What are we eating?" Armin would ask, "well, they have, meat and potatoes, would you want that cutie?" Shrek would ask Armin, "That sounds good, I would love that!" Armin would say happily. "Alright, I'll have that as-well, two potatoes and meat for us please" Shrek would say to the server. "Alright is that all?" The server would ask Shrek, confused on why an obese ogre was with Armin, "yes that's all" Shrek would tell the server, "alright we will have that over in a flash" the server would tell them, than go and get the potatoes and meat. "So, cutie, I have a question," Shrek would say, blushing a lot, "Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Shrek would ask all red, looking down thinking Armin would refuse. "Yes, yes! I would love too!" Armin would say even happier even while blushing. Shrek would than get up walk over to Armin, "well than cutie, wanna.." Shrek would ask Armin. "Sure" Armin would tell Shrek, knowing what's about to happen. They then start to make out, even while the server brought the potatoes and meat. *2 hours later* "That was, an amazing first kiss" both Armin and Shrek would say, "well cutie, now that we're official, how about we go hang out at my house?" Shrek would ask Armin, "I would love too!" Armin would say happy as can be. Both Shrek and Armin would then walk out of the food place, little did Armin know what Shrek was planning.. Continued in Chapter 3: Shreks swamp

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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