The Recount

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Brie's POV

We all walk into the dinning room and sit down. Gator brings out platters of breakfast food for everyone.  John sits at the head of table. I sit down on is his left side with Lee to my right. Derek and Mark sit across from Lee and I.

"What happened?" I say with concern.

"Derek and I were at his property where he's building the house. All of sudden I get a frantic call from Callie and Meredith was with her. They had Sofia and Zola. All we could hear was screaming. We finally made it back to Meredith's house and found the house trashed. Meredith and Callie were beat up pretty bad. Thank god, the babies were fine! They told Meredith and Callie that the Duttons were next." Mark says with a worried look on his face.

"Where is Meredith and Callie now?" I asked with concern looking at John and Lee with worry.

"They are in town at the hotel we rented." Derek says while look at me.
"Bring them to the ranch! There are plenty of people here and you won't have to worry." John says while looking over at my brother and Mark.

"We can't impose on you like that John." Derek says a little taken aback.

"Nonsense, I have plenty of room in the lodge for the six of you. Plus, I would feel better about everyone being here so if something does happen we can stop it." John says reassuringly to Derek and Mark.

"Okay, we will head back towards town and pick them up." Mark says as we finish eating.

"Okay! That's settled and I'll follow you into town." I say looking at Lee and John.

They both nod there heads as we walk towards the door.  I got follow behind them but Lee stops me.

"Brie, please be careful. We don't know who's behind this so keep your head on a swivel." Lee says before he kisses me.

"I will be careful plus I've got my gun. I also have your numbers on speed dial if I get in trouble." I say as head towards my SUV.

I get in my car and pull out behind Derek and Mark. I follow behind them into town. Halfway into town I notice a car tailing me. I reach over and pick up my phone to call Lee. The phone rings once and Lee picks up.

"Hey, baby! What's wrong?" He asks a little worried.

"I've got a car on my ass. I can tell that it's a black Jeep Grand Cherokee." I say calmly to Lee.

"Be careful! Try to divert them when you get in town. Rip and I are on the way!"

"Okay! I'm going to call Derek and let him no I'm keeping my tail busy."

"Okay, I love you! Don't stop unless you have to."

"I promise. I love you too" I say as I hang up and call Derek.

I call Derek and Mark and let them know what's going on. Once that is done I let them get out of site. I then take a left towards downtown. I take my little friend in a big loop. I stop and park when I see Lee and Rip parked. I park and they drive by me. I get a picture of their license plate before I walk towards them.

"You okay!" Rip asks as soon as I walk over to them.

"Yeah, I am fine! I got a picture of the license plate on the car." I say as I send it to Rip.

"Good, maybe we can nail these bastards." He says with a serious tone.

"Rip's going to take your car back to the ranch. We are going to head to your brothers hotel in my truck." Lee says as he grabs my hand.

I nod my head and pass my keys to Rip.

" I will see you both back to the ranch. " he says as he walks off to my SUV.

We nod our heads and head towards the truck. I get in and off we go to the Bozeman Manor to meet Derek and the others.

"I'm sorry for worrying you handsome." I say as I hold onto his hand.

"That's my job to worry. I will always worry about you Brie." Lee says as he kisses my hand.

"Lee, I've been wondering if we should try for a baby again." I say while looking out the window.

"I'm open to trying again if you're ready. I just don't want to push you." He says while looking over at me with a loving smile.

We pull up to the manor and park.

"Then let's have some fun trying later to night cowboy." I say as lean over and kiss his neck teasingly.

I jump out of the truck and head towards the lobby. I hear his door swing open and close. Then I hear boots hitting the ground swiftly. I feel Lee wrap his arms around my waist.

"We definitely will have fun tonight. I will get you back for being a tease though." He whispers in my ear and kisses my pulse point.

He makes me gasp in surprise but that just makes him grin. He the walks me to the lobby and acts like he didn't do anything. Once we enter the lobby I see everyone with their bags. I see the girls in their car seats and can't help but smile.

"Are y'all ready to go back to the ranch?" I ask looking at everyone.

They nod and we all head out to the cars. I help Meredith and Callie load the babies into the car. The guys load up all the luggage. Once everything is loaded we headed to the ranch.

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