Homecoming and the Beck Brothers

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Beth's  POV
Once the words leave Brie's mouth I can't help smile. I'm going to be aunt again and have chance to be in these babies lives. I lean over and hug Brie gently.

"I'm excited for you!" I say looking over at Lee with a smile one my face.

John's POV

I am shocked that I'm going to have another chance of being a grandfather. I can help but smile.

"Congratulations! I'm happy for the two of you." I say as I hug Brie gently and give Lee a pat on the back.

Kayce's POV

"I can't wait to be an uncle. Plus Tate will finally have some cousins to play with." I say with a smile.

Derek's POV

"I'm happy for you both. I know you've been wanting kids for a while." I say as I bend down and hug my sister.

"There will be two more kiddos add to our wild bunch." Mark says with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Brie and Lee." Rip says as he hugs Brie and shakes Lee's hand.

"Thank you!" Brie says with a big smile on her face.

Before anyone can continue talking we are interrupted by a knock on the door. Connor sticks his head into the room.

Brie's POV

"Hey, Brie are you up for some more visitors." Connor asks with a small smile.

"Yes, who is it?" I ask looking at him with a questioning look.
Connor opens the door and that's when I see Mrs. Goodwin, April, Will, and Ethan.

"Hey, guys!" I say with a big smile on my face.

"We had to check on you. Especially when we heard you where hurt." April says with a concerned expression.

"Thank you! I don't know what I would do without you." I say smiling at each and everyone of them.

"Brie, I know we'd be lost without you." Will says with a slight smile.

"I want the rest of you to know that Lee and I are going to be parents." I say looking over at Mrs. Goodwin and the others.

"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm happy for you both." Mrs. Goodwin says as she leans down and hugs me gently.

"Oh, I can't wait to plan a baby shower for you with Maggie and the other nurses." April says with an excited look on her face.

"I'm happy for you both." Ethan and Will both say.

"Thank you!" I say as I try to hide my yawn.

"We are going to let you get some rest sweetheart." John says with a small smile.

He then ushers Rip, Beth, Kayce, Mark, and Derek out of my room after they say goodbye.

Everyone follows behind them but Connor.

"I wanted to let y'all know that if everything looks good you should be out of her at the end of the week." Connor says with a small smile.

*Time Skip to Friday*

I'm being discharged today. I've been in the hospital for six days. I feel like I'm going stir crazy. I can't wait to get back to the ranch. I just want to sleep in my own bed. Lee currently went home to get me a change of clothes. I just got the all clear from Connor.

Mrs. Goodwin told me not to come back until my stitches came out. Which means I won't be back to work for about two months. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. Lee then comes in with a duffle bag.

"Hello beautiful!" He says as he walks over to me and gives me a kiss.

"Hey, handsome!" I say when he pulls away.

"Are you ready to breakout?" Lee asks with a sly grin.

"I'm beyond ready." I say as I take the bag and change.

(Brie's outfit)

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(Brie's outfit)

Once I get changed and go back into the room Maggie and Connor are waiting for me with a wheelchair.

"Are you ready to go?" Maggie asks me.

"Yes, I can't wait to get home. No offense guys! I hate being the patient." I say looking at Connor and Maggie.

"We completely understand." Connor says as I go and sit in the wheelchair.

"Let's get out of here." Lee says as grabs my bag and follows behind us.

They roll me out to the front of the hospital and that's where I see Rip and Beth waiting for us.  I go to get in the backseat but am stopped by Lee. He picks me up and puts me into the truck.

"We don't want you to pop a stitch." He says with a chuckle at my startled reaction.

I just nod my head. Once everything is loaded we head off to the ranch. I lay my head against Lee's shoulder as we drive.

"So, Beth are and Rip finally together?" I ask with a smirk on my face as I notice there holding hands.

"Yes, Brie I finally got my head out of my ass!" Beth says

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