Chapter 10. You are Mrs Wang.

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"Mr Xiao." Yibo thin lips spoke his name generously, making his heart beat faster. " Long time no see."

After Yibo's words, Jianmin, Jingtong, Lingjiao... and others all surprised as doubts arose in their hearts. For someone as famed as Yibo, Zhan was just an abandoned son who was banished from the Xiao family. How could he get involved with him? 

Zhan fluttered his eyelashes and smiled, refreshing and pleasant. "Yeah, it's been a long time, CEO Wang."

It had been a while since they parted on bad terms last time.

He did not expect to meet Yibo at his grandma's 80th birthday.

He did not expect to meet Yibo at his grandma's 80th birthday

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(Imagine in modern era)

Yibo handsome face was close in front of him, forcing him to narrow his gaze slightly and quiet down his breathe. Zhan slender and thick eyelashes cast clear shadows on his white porcelain skin, and his quiet and elegant posture resembled an elegant white lotus.

"Zhan, who is he?" It was Jili who broke the stagnant atmosphere first.

"He is CEO Wang from Beijing's Wang Group." Zhan said. "CEO Wang, this is the sixth son of the Nei family, Jili."

"I'm here to give birthday greetings to Mrs. Xiao. I'm not interested in others."

Yibo's eyes swept over the hand that Jili placed on Zhan's shoulder. It hurt his eyes.

Zhan felt that his mere glance made his back chill and he instinctively trembled, trying to break away from Jili's hand. However, it led Jili to clasp his shoulders even tighter, not letting him escape.

"Same." Jili chuckled and didn't care.

"That would naturally be the best." There was a shadow in the bottom of Yibo's eyes.

For some reason, Zhan felt like a wife who was caught by his husband in the act.

Yibo gave the birthday present he brought to grandma Xiao. "Mrs. Xiao, I wish you a long life full of happiness. This is from my grandma. Please accept it."

"Thank your grandma for me. It's really thoughtful of her." Grandma Xiao accepted the gift and passed it to Jianmin.

Naturally, Jianmin had heard of Yibo's name before. Yibo's fame and reputation were godlike existences among the businessmen. He dreamt about cooperating with Yibo and to his surprise, an opportunity came by easily.

"Thank you very much, CEO Wang, for making this special trip. Please forgive me for the poor reception."

"It is also a kind of fate to be able to meet Mr Xiao Zhan here." Yibo mentioned Zhan again, as if paying special attention to him.

After all, Yibo was cold and hard to get close to, and he never took the initiative to approach anyone. He didn't even have scandals, but he took the initiative to get close to Zhan, making others unable to help but guess the relationship they had.

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