Chapter 13. Arrange A Wedding.

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Project Site.


It was only after the site visit and the discussion did Yibo satisfy and waited for Zhan to deliver the modified drawings back to him.

As soon as the work ended, Zhan was getting ready to leave.

Yibo didn't stop him, "You may walk around in Beijing, tell Milan what you want to buy and I'll pick you up for dinner at home after work."

"Mr. Wang, I have a busy schedule, I'll head for the airport and fly straight back to Tianjin." Zhan was cool and calm.

Plus, he hasn't seen her daughter for two days and he missed her very much.

"Mr. Xiao, I suggest you not to be so impulsive." Yibo blocked his way with a turn.

"Mr. Wang, it's Mrs. Wang you should pick up for dinner at home, not me." Zhan frowned disapprovingly, "Mr. Wang, apart from work, let's keep our distance, it's better for everyone!"

Zhan walked past him in a cool manner.

Yibo caught his waist without moving his body, "Zhan, only you can help me with this."

Zhan took a deep breath to himself and felt the bitterness in his heart, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Wang, I can't help you."

"You saw what's on the news, it's taking a great impact. People now are all guessing who the man is in that photo. If we don't handle it in time and allow them dig deeper, there will be consequences, have you thought of that? They will dig up every piece of information on you. Or do you wish to be identified?" Only then did Yibo turn around, fierceness showed in his eyes.

Zhan's face froze and he declared, "I just want a peaceful life."

"It will depend on how well Mr. Xiao cooperates." Yibo raised his eyebrow and spoke in a reasonable way.

"If I go with you, isn't that an indirect confirmation of the inappropriate relationship with you?" Zhan's eyes were clear as water and his lips bit slightly, "If Mrs.Wang learns about this, she will accuse me as your mistress which I will have no way to argue for myself."

I couldn't afford to bear the crime of breaking other people's marriage and I certainly didn't want my child to think that I was that kind of indecent man.

"Zhan, you have to trust me. As long as you come home for dinner with me, I'll solve this problem perfectly." Yibo saw Zhan began to soften up so he spoke in a gentler way.

"I........ can't trust you." Zhan said.

If he not asked me to drive him home, I couldn't get into such trouble, it was indeed unexpected trouble.

"Even if I trust you, what about Mrs. Wang? What position you will put him? He is your wife."

Was it no love in the rich family's marriage? That they could hurt each other casually?

"Zhan, as long as you trust me, I'll handle everything." Yibo placed both his hands on Zhan shoulder heavily, his clear eyes were seeming to melt him down, "Because today you're Mrs. Wang. This is the best way."

"Mr. Wang, are you kidding me?" A big joke.

"I'm not joking." Yibo puckered his lips, standing in front of him, his magnetic voice was spreading on top of Zhan head, "No one has ever seen Mrs. Wang, including my father. If I say you are Mrs. Wang, you will be. As long as I or the Wang family release such statement to satisfy the public's curiosity, then there will be no one digging you up maliciously, and more so I can use my relations to stop it."

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