Chapter 1

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"Now I'm here, right here, in a place i shouldn't be, a place where the gathering of the damned. All of this because of her!" Yes she is, Naomi. A cursed girl that Olivia doesn't understand, what big sin does Olivia have that Naomi hates her so much.

Olivia's childhood was so fun, like children in general. Her life is so beautiful it's almost perfect. Olivia can have everything she wants. Her economy is sufficient, she always gets love from her family, such as her mother, uncle and aunt, cousin, and grandparents.

One question Olivia have asked her mother, "Mother, why did father go away for so long? The plane never landed?" Olivia's mother couldn't answer the question, and only her grandparents could answer the question.

"Olivia listen to us, your father left us in a plane crash." Olivia was just pensive listening to that, she was too young to absorb what a plane crash meant. Olivia could only understand that her father had died, and she wasn't too sad about it.

Pablo Gettardo, Olivia's biological father who is an Italian citizen. He had committed a sin so great that his own daughter now accept his sin. He impregnated a girl who was his college friend, named Viona. A girl who as a result of his behavior pregnant a child who has not been based on marriage and is now raising her alone. The innocent child is named Olivia.

Yeah, her name is Olivia. Olivia is the child out of wedlock from an Italian man and an Indonesian woman. They met on campus when Viona decided to continue her education in Italy. Only a bastard would be willing to impregnate a girl and leave her unresponsive. "How do i go back to Indonesia with a distended stomach? My parents will definitely not accept me." Anxiety hit Olivia's mother at that time.

"I will definitely be expelled from campus, and from the house too." Which parents would not be angry if they found that their child whom they paid for studying abroad, would end up returning home in pregnant?

Doesn't know what this meant, whether it was a punishment from God or not, a plane crash hit Pablo while he's running away from his responsibilities. Viona's fate was just the opposite, her parents forgive her mistakes. She continued to study until she managed to get a bachelor's degree.

Viona's past was indeed dark. She didn't want that to happen to her daughter. She raised her daughter with full of love from her, from her parents and also from her brother. Olivia also grew up and lived with love, a kind heart and was liked by many people.

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