1:The Party Gone Wrong

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Soul and Maka were on the steps of the DWMA, about to enter the party half an hour late. Inside, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, Patti, and Crona were all waiting for the two of them. Maka was wearing a royal blue strapless dress with gems going to her left side down towards the slit that the dress had going up to the middle of her thigh. Over one year, she had developed slightly larger breasts, finally fitting into a b-cup.

"Why the hell did you have to make us so late, Soul?" Maka yelled. Soul sighed softly and started to walk faster to get ahead of Maka. She had seemed so stressed lately, and him taking a nap after school caused them to be late because he slept longer than he intended to.

"I'm sorry, Maka! I didn't mean to sleep that long, but in my defense, you could have woken me up!" Soul snapped. He was getting tired of Maka getting onto him, but at the same time, he knew he would be completely lost without her around.

The two of them stepped into the room where the party was being held, only to find a bunch of wild academy students almost trashing the place. Kid was going around the room yelling at people, and when they walked away, he would adjust everything in that area to its rightful position. Even though Kid was doing that, there were too many students around for him to keep doing that all by himself. None of the teachers were even around at the moment, so they couldn't get into any real trouble.

Kid wore his usual clothes to the party, since he always dressed his nicest. He decided he needed to go outside for a moment to calm down about what was happening in the party. He went out onto the balcony to look up at the stars. Despite how asymmetrical the stars were, their beauty always caught his breath.

Inside the party, Black Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Patti, Crona, and a few other academy students sat in a circle, playing spin the bottle. Soul and Maka walned up to the circle, curious as to what was going on with Kid.

"What's with Kid? Shouldn't he be more worried about enjoying himself than everything bei g perfectly in place?" Soul asked.

"Soul, you should know better by now. Kid's OCD always gets the best of him. By the way, why are you two so late? You weren't doing anything too innappropriate, were you?" Liz said mischeviously.

"No! I just accidentally slept too long when i took a nap!" Soul yelled, and almost everyone in the circle had to hold down a laugh. Soul was blushing a little bit at Liz's suggestion that they did anything like that.

"I think I'm gunna go see how Kid's doing." Maka said, and started heading to the balcony where Kid was. She walked out to see him gazing at the stars with amazment, with his arms folded on the bar and him leaning over to put his chin on his folded arms. His eyes were focused on the stars, and everything around him seemed to disappear, along with his worries.
"Will I ever be able to tell her how I feel?" Kid asked himself, unaware that Maka was right behind him.

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