11:Land of Lost Souls

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Over the past three weeks, Stein had been in a race against time to do the unthinkable:he was going to try and raise the dead, and his test subject was Soul. He had figured out how to fix the problem with the whole in his head from the bullet, but there was only one thing missing: his soul. The only way to recover it was to go to a recently discovered island, named "the Land of Lost Souls". None of the kids at the academy knew what he was working on yet, but he was debating on whether or not to tell Maka and Kid, and send the two of them on a mission to retrieve Soul's soul and bring it to him. After an hour of debating, he called Lord Death with his mirror and asked him to send to two of them and their weapons on the mission to the land of lost souls.

The next say in class, Stein was about to do a dissection, but before he started, he said "Maka, Kid, Lord Death wants to see you and your weapons in the death room."

Kid, Liz, Patty, Maka, and Carter all got out of their seats and quietly walked out the door. The second the door shut, Liz and Patty both let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God I really didn't want to dissect that shark..." Liz commented. The 5 of them walked to the Death Room, making sure to be quiet and not disturb other classes. They reached the death room to find death in there alone.

"What you all are about to hear is top secret information. You are not to tell a single student what this mission was for unless Stein's experiment with this is a success." Lord Death said when he turned around.

"Uhhhhh we aren't going to be a part of his experiment, are we?" Liz asked nervously.

"Of course not. I need you all to retrieve a very vital part of Stein's experiment." Lord Death responded. "Stein personally wanted you all on this mission because he knew you all would most likely want this more than anyone else."

"Just what exactly is this mission, father?" Kid asked.

"To travel to the land of lost souls and bring back Soul Eater Evans soul." Lord Death said.

"I don't understand why Stein would need his soul...." Maka said.

"Stein needs his soul because he's working on learning how to bring the dead back to life, but without a soul, test subjects would end up like zombies." Lord Death explained.

"So Stein is trying to bring Soul back to life?" Maka asked.

"Yes, but this is a race against time. Dead bodies decay, you know." he said.

"YAAAAAAYYYY SOUL'S COMING BACK!" Patty yelled in excitment.

"I guess we should go now, then...."Kid said.

After Lord Death gave them several things to watch out for, the 5 were finally able to leave and go to the island

So pretty short chapter and stuff, and I may not be able to update for the rest of the day. I wanted to say thank you to all of you who have read this far, and thanks to the few of you who followed me. If you guys want to, please just comment your thoughts on my story to so I can know how to improve.

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