Chapter 2

56 1 11

3rd pov:

Oompa and Juice took off running, Socks and Meme right behind them. "Stop stop stop we can work this out cant we," Juice shouted behind them.

Juice and Oompa were cornered at this point, stuck in the back of weapons. Meme laughed as he walked towards Juice, raising his knife up. "I'm sorry guys, but you just weren't fast enough!"

Socks laughed as well, raising up his knife. They were both dead in seconds.


Tbh: What how did so many people die without us finding anyone!

Muffin: I mean only four people died this round so it's not that many

TBVG: Muffin that sounds so sus-

Muffin: Well we've had more die during a single round before!

Tenson: Okay did anyone see anything at all?

Meme: Wait where was the body anyways?

Tbh: Me and Tenson found Woolf and Laff dead in Electrical so it was a double kill. 

TBVG: How do we know that you didn't just walk in there with Tenson and kill them?

Tbh: Because I saw you off and on the whole round and had multiple chances to kill you and yet I didnt-

Socks: Well you could have just been trying to gain trust.

Meme: Well either way me and Socks didn't see anyone all round

TBVG: Why did you feel the need to specify that?

Muffin: Well usually Meme is dead by now.

Meme: Well if I was around socks no one would have killed me!

Socks: Well, we have to vote someone out. There's six people left and two imposters left.

TBVG: I think we should either vote out Meme or Muffin. They're the only two that seem really sus.

Socks: I'm thinking it's Muffin.

Tbh: I think it's Socks and Meme.

Socks: Wha- why would it be me!?

Tbh: Cause you're not trying to vote out Meme like you always do. 

Socks: Well cause if we're wrong then the imposters only have to get one kill to win and I was with Meme the entire round!

TBVG: Yeah I'm leaning towards socks and Meme now. 

Meme: It's not us! It's gotta be Muffin!

Tenson: Tbh, we didn't see Muffin at all this round though, so it's possible it is Muffin. TBVG, did you see Muffin at all this round?

TBVG: Now that you mention it, I didn't really see him. 

Muffin: Hey it's not me! I was just doing my tasks!

Socks: Well it could still be Tbh and Tenson, since they found two bodies.

Meme: We don't have enough evidence to vote anyone out to know for sure, so it's a random pick.

Tbh: I'm voting Socks. Sorry I just cant get over the fact that you guys haven't been blaming each other like always.

TBVG: Honestly yeah I can agree with that. 

Meme: Hey now don't vote him out!

TBVG: Wow Meme, defending Socks? Yeah they're imposters.

Socks: It's not me and I know it's not Meme cause I was with him the whole round! That's why we're not accusing each other!

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