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Marshal Lee pov

I drive into a random parking spot, parking my car and getting out. I start walking towards the office to get my schedule and stuff. I was about to reach for the door when it slams into my face, making me fall on my ass,"ow.."I put my hand on my head that made contact with the door,"Oh my freaking glob. I'm so sorry!" A guy with fire red hair says as I stand up,"it's fine, just a little bump" I move my hand,"but your face is all red!" "It's fine, okay?" He nods,"well I gotta go so I can make sure I get the better side of the flat" he runs off towards the guys dorm. "Hi there! Name?" I walk up to the dest,"Marshal Lee, freshman" she types something in fast and the printer starts up behind her as she grabs a book from a drawer and then one from her desk,"these are the manuals for any questionable moments you may have. Rules and such too. These are your schedule, campus map, and flat instructions slash rules. And then here's your key. Any questions that aren't answered in the manuals you can ask the reception in the dorm building, any adult, or here." She huffs put fast, I nod slowly processing what she just said as I walk out and heading back to my car to get my things. I shove the manuals in one of my bags and grab a pen to write down my flat number,'467. Damn that's high' I shove those papers in the same bag, zipping it up before putting all of them on the ground,'I have too much junk. I'm gonna need help.." I look around and see a guy with pink hair,"hey!" I kinda yell, he doesn't answer just keeps reading some book,"hey!" I yell loud, he looks up then to me,"can you help?" I lower my voice a little. He smiles and nods running over,"Yeah I can help. Sorry, I'm Gumball Prince" I reach down and grab a few bags,"I'm Marshal Lee" he bends down grabbing the other few bags and starts walling to the dorm building,"what floor?" I look at my hand,"fourth" my voice slightly muffled since i have my key between my teeth. He nods pressing the button for the elevator, going into it then pressing the fourth floor button. I wait listening to the stupid classical music playing in the elevator. Finally the elevator makes that ding sound telling us we're there.

I find my room and unlock the door going inside,"looks like my flat mate already found this place..." looking at the bed on the left side of the room covered in bags and a couple boxes,"will you help me unpack?" I look at Gumball as he nods.

"You owe me now" Gumball giggles as he looks at the work effort we just put in. "Well I gotta go unpack my own things. See ya Marshal" he walks out closing the door behind him. I lay back on my bed thinking about what to do and decide for a shower. I go into the bathroom and strip my clothes getting into the perfect temperatured shower. When I'm done I get out and slip on a pair of boxers and some comfy pants. I walk out and see The guy that slammed my face into the door,"seems I got the better side haha I'm Flame, by the way" I shake my head,"Marshal Lee" I flop onto my bed and we start talking about random things until it gets kinda late. Then I roll onto my stomach and fall asleep.

Hii! Do you like so far? It's a slow beginning but it gets better with a twist..

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