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Marshals pov

After we get into the dorm building I walk Gumball to his flat,"goodnight bubba" Gumball looks up at me,"goodnight Marshal Lee~" he turns to unlock his door with a smirk,'okay, let's do this. Ask him.' "We should...uhm...hang out this weekend" I blush and he turns around,"sounds cool with me~" he smiles,'don't kiss him Marshal Lee' I almost lean in but he turns and walks into his flat. Closing the door behind him I look down a little disappointed and sad as I walk back to my flat, unlocking the door going in and completely collapsing on my bed. I look over to Flame's bed and notice he's still not here. I shrug and fall asleep fast after that.

'Fuck...come back....' "come back!" I yell as I sit up breathing fast. I bring my knees up to my chest and put my head on my knees trying to catch my breath. After I catch my breath I look over at my clock,'I have enough time to shower...' I get up and walk into the bathroom of the empty flat turning the water on while I take off the clothes I wore yesterday. I get in and wash myself getting out with only a towel around my waist. I turn on my straightener as I walk out to get some clothes,'Flame's still not here...?' I look at the still empty room then shrug slipping on some black boxers and turning on some music. I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth when my straightener beeps, saying it's hot enough. I wipe my mouth off and grab it straightening my hair and styling it to my normal fringe. Once my hair is perfect I go and slip on some black skinny jeans with a white wifebeater under a ripped up faded black tank top. I slip my red converse on and grab my phone, the music disconnecting and turning off, I walk out after quickly grabbing my wallet and keys. Walking out and locking the door behind me, heading towards my first class.

I talk to the teacher and he tells me I'm the assistant because it's a required class but I've excelled in it so I'm the assistant. He's not that bad looking, but bubba looks better. 'Fuck...' I put my headphones in and listen to music and play on my phone. The class seemed to go by fast,"see you tomorrow Marshal Lee. Have a good day" he smiles at me as I leave,'weird creepy teacher' I look down as a walk, not wanting to see the stares but end up bumping into somebody,"sorry, didn't see you there" I look up to see the pink haired boy that I've been spending time with lately,"hey Marshal~" he smiles at me and I brighten up,"doin anything this period? I don't have a class and was gonna go get some coffee" I smile and nod,"same here except I would've wondered around haha~" I laugh and start walking with him heading towards the coffee shop. "What's your first class?" Gumball asks me as he opens the door,"English but I'm the teachers assistant" 'I sound so nerdy' he laughs,"you got that job too? I have it in science" I look at him,"nerd" I giggle,"and what's that make you?" He looks at me smiling as we wait behind two people in line at the coffee shop,"sexy" I put one hand behind my head and pop out my hip with my hand on it slowly sliding towards my crouch while biting my lip. He smiles while his eyes scan over my body, his eyes starting to cloud over and I giggle while he blushes looking away. It's our turn to order and it's the same girl as the other day,"hey there cutie~!" She beams looking at Gumball,'bitch...wait what?' I'm jealous that she's calling Gumball that. 'Why am I so jealous?  It's not like we're dating or anything' "Marshal? You okay?" I blink a few times,"huh? What? I m-mean yeah. I'm fine bubba." He nods and she asks what I want,"I'll get the same as him" I say distracted by those thoughts. He waves as we go find a seat. I notice a red slot, blotch thing on his sleeve,"bubba, what's that on your sleeve?" He looks and curses under his breath,"it must be marker from a diagram I was working on earlier" 'he's lieing...he's hiding something...' I think but don't press further knowing he won't say anything about it. The girl brings us our coffees and hands Gumball a small piece of paper,"What's that?" I get noisy as I see him blush a little looking at it,"i-its her number..." he sits there looking at it like he's about to cry,"bubba what's wrong? Looks like you're holding back a dam" I grab his free hand and hold it. It looks like it relaxed him,"it's nothing Marshal Lee." He looks over at my hand blushing,"Oh sorry..." I pull my hand back and he puts his in his lap looking down at the number. I look at my phone checking the time,"I gotta get goin, I have class next period" I stand up finishing my coffee,"I do too..." he stands putting the number in his pocket and I frown at that. "What class do you have?" He looks up at me,"extra credit class, art" I smile,"me too." We walk to our next class together.

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