Untitled Part 1

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Her fist slammed onto the table causing the precariously balanced Biology book to come crashing onto the warn brick floor. Leaning back into her chair she rocked it back on two legs and let out an ungracious moan.

"What did that table ever do to you?" The voice drifted at her from behind. She turned her head to look up at the tall boy standing behind her. He brushed blood red hair away from his face revealing startling sky blue eyes.

"Oh, hey Felix." She said landing firmly back on all four legs of the chair. Felix grinned the smile lighting up his face, he grabbed the book off the floor and tossed it back onto the table. Pulling out the opposite chair he lounged into it, gazing with amused eyes at the girl who had hailed him; who was banging her head against a notebook. "Cora, you're going to scramble your brains if you keep that up."

Cora sighed heavily propping her chin up on a hand,

"I hate Bio so much, please shoot me." She said, smoothing light lilac curls away from her face.

"No way, I would miss you far too much," Felix said getting up off the chair and dragging around the table towards her. He stopped sat down shoved all the books and notes away from Cora, and grabbed her around the waist pulling her into his lap. Cora sitting sideways snuggled into his arms letting her legs dangle off his lap; she put her arms around his neck and buried her face in the soft part next too his collarbone.

The loud sound of a chime boomed overhead, and Cora sighed looking up at Felix. She tangled her fingers gently in his hair prompting him to glance down at her. She smiled as her lips pressed softly against his. Felix's hands immediately tightened around her waist, pulling her closer into him, he deepened the kiss sliding his tongue between her lips. Cora settled into the taste of him, curling her fingers more firmly into his hair and leaning into him harder. The sound of a second chime caused Felix to break off the kiss with a groan, "We have combat training and now I'm not going to be able to focus. Sometimes I really hate you." He said, his eyes sparkling with life and love. Cora smiled back her musical laugh echoing in the empty common room. She slipped off his lap grabbed her books and bag looking back at him expectantly.

"You coming?" She asked. Felix rose and slung an arm around her neck and she around his waist.

The training arena was massive. A veritable city of obstacles, open areas, trees, and abused buildings.

"You're late!" Yelled Sorcha. Felix waved an apology at the combat trainer. "Felix, you're with Cora, Ivy, Ace and Orion.

Cora grumbled at the mention of Orion. Their group strode towards them, Orion in the lead his body built like a Greek hero's. He flexed his over built muscles and smiled at Cora who promptly rolled her eyes and clung to Felix. Felix grabbed her around the waist pulling her in front of him he outlined the plan to the group." Alright, Ivy you and Orion flank and make sure you protect Cora. Ace and I will take front and switch out on attacking. Any questions?" He asked looking around.

"Why do we have to protect Cora?" Ivy whined, glaring at Cora jealously.

"Because Cora is the best healer I've ever seen, and if you don't want to end up dead, protect your healer." Felix said irritably advancing almost unconsciously towards Ivy who shrank back and fell silent.

"Alright team let's move out." Felix ordered, and everyone turned to make their way onto the starting platform.

"Okay, rules, people! You get three respawns; hopefully you won't have to use any of them. All powers allowed, in fact I expect you to use them to the best of your ability. You will be put up against Red team members. They will kill you without mercy. I do realize that you are used to fighting each other and Blue team members. The cause for the switch is the frontlines are dwindling and, the seniors for this year will be put on the frontlines post-graduation. You all know this is serious. Savon is invading and the danger is very real. Do your best at training and, you'll live through the frontlines." Sorcha stopped speaking as the Red team strolled into view. These were real prisoners of war from Savon, real fighters that had been captured on the frontlines. Cora's hands tightened into fists as she glanced at the wary faces of her team mates.

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