The ring that glows

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As I walk home from my job I walk past the same shop everytime but this time the shop has this odd feeling, it feels like it is calling me. So I head in and took a stroll around the shop that's when I came across this beautiful old silver ring. Anyone can know that this ring was decoration and not for worn and the fact that is glows attracted me, so I bought it for roughly 240. As I walk from home I realised I forgot my keys at work and decided to go back to office to retrieve it at first I didn't notice but after I retrieve and went home again, the shop was not there, I look at my bag the silver ring was still there. I go home as fast as I could and proceed to think that was just my illusion and put the ring case at the cabinet beside my bed. The next morning I wake up with a headache thinking that it was probably what happened yesterday so I just called work and told that I won't come for the day and would go to doctor. Doctor said it was nothing and must be stress, so he told me to take sleeping pills and should go to sleep. I did just that but before I went to sleep I see some weird figure figure peeking at me through the door as I went to sleep, I thought it was hallucinations cause by the sleeping pills and decided to ignore it. The next day I woke up with the silver ring on my left hand, but I can't feel my left hand. I quickly went to doctor, he later told me that there is blood clotting. He told me to remove the ring so I did and should not wore it for atleast a week.
It was that night I remember the weird figure was not my imagination as I saw him a again from my bed, but this time standing at my doorway looking at my cabinet. I look over it and saw the ring glow.

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