XII. phial of the ending

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I've updated the playlist in the first chapter and it's on my spotify as well. It's mostly a collection of sad songs. I listened to this playlist while writing this chapter and the epilogue, so you know what to expect, I think.



AIRAA LEANED FORWARD and opened her mouth to take a bite of the steak and cheese sandwich. As she chewed, Jasper wiped her mouth with a napkin. "You are so sweet, do you know that? You baby me so much," she said, through the food in her mouth, turning the wheel to the left slightly. It was her first time driving Jasper's car and she loved it. It wasn't a model she could afford so she'd pleaded to let her drive the whole trip. He had to give in.

"Today's the last day I can ever dream of doing that so let me be," he said, taking a bite off the sandwich. It was an enormous one.

"I feel like you are taking your revenge on me for deciding to leave you," Airaa said, pulling his hand to take the last bite of the sandwich. When she swallowed the food, she licked the sauce off his fingers. Jasper had expected it so he simply watched her kiss his fingers once she was finished.

"I'm so full," she said, rubbing her stomach and squinting at the road before her. "And I don't know where we are."

Airaa stopped the car and pulled out her phone but Jasper took it away. "No GPS, remember?"

"But it's late. I have a flight tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know. In the evening. We can stay somewhere for the night and leave early in the morning tomorrow. We'll make it on time," Jasper said, intertwining their hands.

"I don't know Jasper..."

"Please. I don't want to let you go just yet," he said, bringing their hands to his lips and printing an open-mouthed kiss. "Just not yet, Airaa."

Airaa could hear the crack of her heart in the silence. She was being strong, she knew Jasper was trying as well. They wanted to make the best of the time they had left and she knew she wouldn't like anything better than having imperfect conversations with him, wrapped around each other in the sheets. But the more time she spent with him led to even more memories she'd reminisce and cry over. She didn't want to hurt both of them by dragging this out.

But the heart wants what it wants, right?

"Okay, let's find a motel," she said, her lips curving for him. She would find the strength to live without him when the time came. Not now.

They drove a couple more miles, laughing and teasing each other like they did throughout the whole drive. Jasper would press a kiss — on her knuckles and wrists, her neck, her cheek and her lips —  once in a while which always made Airaa smile. When he fell asleep in his seat, she'd look at him and whisper I love yous and mumble under her breath at how pretty he was.

When they walked into their motel room holding nothing but each other's hands, Airaa never felt so free yet confined at the same time. The clock was ticking. Time slipped through her fingers like running sand. The only way she can make the best out of the remaining hours was to not think about the impending deadline for their relationship.

"Let's skip dinner," Airaa said, locking the door shut and wrapping an arm around Jasper's torso. Airaa wasn't short but Jasper was tall. That's why she'd always loved it when she hugged him and pressed her cheeks to his chest. She could listen to the melody of his heart. It was her favourite tune in the world.

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