Chapter 1

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Authors Notes

OK so thank you for reading this is hopefully going to be a really good fanfiction. It's going to be a crossover the internship nd teen wolf and the age difference between Stuart and reader is 4 years so I hope you don't get peeved out I'm going to be making the readers birthday over the summer so reader is turning 18 so it won't be that weird enjoy and goodbye.

reads goal: 10

votes goal:2

Comments goal:1

          OK, ok ok calm down its ok just breath (y/n) you thought to yourself as you moved to the seat the Mr. Harris had told you to sit in. And it was right next to Stiles Stilinski the boy you had had a crush on ever since 5th grade.  You tried to stay calm, but it was no use you started blushing slightly. You see you weren't very good with people you just stuck to your phone and computer. So you sat next to Stiles and did the work with the least amount of eye contact and talking. After school, you sat down and finished your homework, then you went on your computer and started reading some fanfiction. after getting hit by a tsunami of feels you go bored so you typed in the word "google" then you heard your mom lecturing you about how you were 17 and needed a to get a fucking job. So you went back into the amazing search engine called google and typed in google jobs. The all of the sudden, you saw an internship  at google headquarters and you clicked the link and were amazed at this opportunity that had opened up in front of you 


I looked at the website and  found the application unfortunately it was only for college students, but I mean I could give it a shot 

" MOM MOM MOM" I shouted so loudly I swear the whole town could hear me she came running up the stairs

"(y/n) are you alright" She said her voice laced with panic

" OH MY GOD mom I'm more than alright ok so you know how you keep nagging me about how I need to get a job and all that stuff for the summer well I just found the most awesome internship ever" I said quickly with one breath 

" well what is it." she said sounding very excited.

"ok it's in California at the google headquarters," I said hoping that she would let me go, I mean I'm not like the normal rebellious teenagers who sneak out of the house to go fuck their boyfriends. 1st of all, I don't have a boyfriend I don't have many friends and I don't  like partying. I like my bed my computer and by one and only best friend............ MY PHONE. I had perfect grades and I was usually responsible so I don't see why not. 

"Mom please I really want to go and if I win the internship I would have a secured job there after high school. I mean first I have to get accepted to the internship but mom please if I get in please please let me go and I promise I will call you every night." I pleaded

"OK, how about you try to get accepted first. " She said smiling

I jumped up and down then hugged her "Thank you so so so much I said as I sat down and filled out the application. Then I sent it in and minutes later I got an email saying that I would have my interview the next day at 12:00 ( tomorrow is a Saturday) and that they will still consider me as a cadet, even though I'm a high school student. I was so happy and immediately told my mom the I took a shower and went to bed. 

I woke up to the alarm beeping and groaned then looked the clock seeing it was a Saturday. I layed back down and closed my eyes '5 more min then I will get up take a shower and get ready for the interview its 9:30 I have tons of time.' I thought to myself but you know that thing where you tell yourself oh only 5 more min but then you fall asleep for like 2 hours well that happened I woke up at II:30 and jumped out of bed freaking out.

The Stilinski Twins                                {Stuart Twombly x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now